The Berlin derby might look like a capitalist juggernaut versus a worker-owned union, but it’s much more complicated than that
News & Comment
Everyone has a right to the city
Invitation to join the working group “Right to the City for All,” of the movement “Deutsche Wohnen & Co. Enteignen” (DWE)
The lonesome martyrdom of Jeremy Corbyn
Less than 1 year after leading Labour to win over 10 million votes in the general election, Jeremy Corbyn was temporarily suspended from the party. He is still not allowed to sit as a Labour MP. How could the beacon of hope for the British left fall so far so quickly?
Police repression and social resistance in Greece during the time of the pandemic
The Greek government is using the Corona pandemic to suppress freedom of assembly. But protests and civil disobedience are continuing
BAYAN Europe
Alliance of Filipino progressive organizations
The USA one month after the elections
On election day, we interviewed several leftists from the USA about their feelings about the elections. At the time, a Trump victory was still a distinct possibility. One month on, we interviewed US socialists based in Germany, the UK, and the USA to try to get a sense of the current mood
News from Germany and Berlin: 5 December, 2020
Weekly news roundup from Berlin and Germany
News and activities for and about the international left in Berlin
Why are Abortion Rights under Attack in Brazil?
Speech from the meeting The Conspiracy Against Choice: Why abortion rights are under attack in Poland, Brazil and the USA, 2 December 2020