Letter from the Editors, 2nd November 2023

Hello everyone, As Israeli bombs continue to rain down on Gaza, there are several solidarity events with Palestine this week. We urge you to support them as much as you can. On Friday, there’s a Soli-Evening for Palästina Spricht. In efforts to continue to growing anti-repression costs for Palestine Speaks, the S€x Worker Action Group […]


Hello everyone,

As Israeli bombs continue to rain down on Gaza, there are several solidarity events with Palestine this week. We urge you to support them as much as you can.

On Friday, there’s a Soli-Evening for Palästina Spricht. In efforts to continue to growing anti-repression costs for Palestine Speaks, the S€x Worker Action Group Berlin is hosting an evening of solidarity at the Failing Femmes House. Join us for an evening of community conversation, performances, breaking bread together, and being in community. The event promises a Soup Küfa and Bar, Community Conversation, and Performances and Music. The address is Karpfenteichstraße 13.

On Saturday, there’s a demonstration Free Palestine will not be Cancelled. Since 7th October, Israel has killed more than 5,000 people in the besieged Gaza strip. In one week, Israel dropped as many bombs on Gaza as were dropped on Afghanistan in a year. Half the population of Gaza are children. Experts warn that Israel’s behaviour fills the definition of genocide in many ways. The demo is called by the Jewish Voice for Peace, Palästina Spricht, and our Campaign of the Week, the Palestine Campaign. It starts at 2pm at Neptunenbrunnen on Alexanderplatz. You are welcome to join international activists, who are meeting at 1.45pm at the Marx-Engels Forum.

Also on Saturday, the Jüdische Stimme – the Jewish Voice for a just Peace in the Middle East – is holding a festival for memorial and hope to mark its 20th birthday. The original plans for a celebration have been changed to reflect the current situation. Alongside music by JS members, there will be spoken contributions and food in the tradition of the Jewish Shiva. The meeting will be accompanied by an art exhibition with pictures by Mohammed Al-Hawajri (Gaza) and Adi Liraz (Israel). It starts at 6pm in oyoun. Order your ticket by sending a mail to mail@juedische-stimme.de.

On Monday, the Berlin LINKE Internationals will be holding an open internal discussion on die LINKE and Palestine. Following a discussion about the coming Events that the group is organising, Palestinian activist and LINKE member Ramsy Kilani will kick off a discussion. We welcome everyone to join this discussion, whether you are a member of die LINKE, the Left Internationals, or just someone who is interested in the debate. It starts at 7pm at Schiercker Straße 26 (Ferat Kocak’s office).

You can catch Ramsy again on Tuesday, when he’s speaking alongside Elisa Baş on How can we build solidarity with Palestinians? The cruel massacres of the Israeli army in the besieged Gaza Strip must be stopped immediately. While the German government supports the mass killings, the repression against Palestine solidarity in Germany is reaching unprecedented dimensions. How can we act against this and strengthen solidarity with Palestinians? The meeting, organised by the new Initiative Socialism from Below, starts at 7pm at Am Flutgraben 3, which is part of the Festsaal Kreuzberg. Translation into English will be provided.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events in which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, new study finds rents in Berlin are above average, a series of bomb threats hits Berlin, Last Generation protestors attacked by police, and Sahra Wagenknecht’s departure from die LINKE results in some people leaving the party, and others joining.

In News from Germany, Germany’s new citizenship law does nothing for over 100,000 stateless people, Bosnian author criticises discourse of Palestine in Germany, and Chancellor Scholz calls for mass deportations.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

This week on theleftberlin, we publish a statement by Die LINKE Neukölln against the war and bloodshed in Gaza and Israel, the new Initiative Socialism from Below calls for an end to killing Palestinians and occupation,  Phil Butland reviews a 10 year old film about Gaza which helps explain what is happening now, a photo gallery of last Saturday’s demonstration, Palestinian journalist asks if we can still call Germany a democracy, and Jewish activist Rowan Gaudet speaks to Elisa Baş who was suspended as press speaker of Fridays for Futures Germany for speaking out on Palestine.

Outside Palestine, Jaime Martinez Porro looks at Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party.

In this week’s Video of the Week, we show Ramsis Kilani’s speech for Palästina Spricht at last Saturday’s demonstration for Palestine.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And please do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board