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This is a summary of demos, meetings and other Events that may be interesting to an international audience. For a shorter list of upcoming events from our friends and partners in Berlin see here.


Saturday, 27th July

midday, CSD Demonstration


from 1pm, OPlatz FamFest, Oranienplatz


From 2pm, Fiesta de Solidaridad, Parkaue


5pm, Internationalist Queer Pride, Hermannplatz


Sunday, 28th July

6pm, How does German capital profit from its unconditional support of Israel? Gerichtstraße 23


7pm, Palestine Reading Group – Mainstream and Critical Definitions of “Terrorism”, Nansenstrasse 2


Monday, 29th July

7pm, The Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda: Effects and Counter-Strategies, rosa luxemburg stiftung


Wednesday, 31st July

6pm, The War Report: Israel/Palestine in German and American Media Coverage, online meeting


Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th August

Witness | شاهد Gaza Through Children’s Eyes, Moos


Friday, 2nd August

7pm, Palestine Reading Group – How the Western media lie about Palestine, Nansenstrasse 2


Friday, 9th August

4.30pm, Animal rescue & rooftop gardens: Stories from Palestine & South Lebanon, Agit


Sunday, 11th August

7pm, Palestine Reading Group – Israel and South Africa – Similarities and Differences, Nansenstrasse 2


Friday, 16th August

7pm, Palestine Reading Group – Syria, Assad and Israel, Nansenstrasse 2


Sunday. 25th August

7pm, Palestine Reading Group – Is Zionism finished?, Nansenstrasse 2


Saturday, 7th September

from 2pm, democracy festival – happier life without Nazis, Alice Salomon Platz Marzahn


Saturday 21st – Sunday 22nd September 2024

LINKE Internationals Summer Camp, Naturfreundehaus Hermsdorf