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This is a summary of demos, meetings and other Events that may be interesting to an international audience. For a shorter list of upcoming events from our friends and partners in Berlin see here.


Wednesday, 4th December

11am, Student March. End German Academic Complicity, Hertie School


6.30pm, Book presentation, under German occupation, Pilecki Institute


Thursday, 5th December

9am, Rally – minimum wage for Über, Bolt and co., Abgeordntenehaus Niederkirchnerstraße


1pm, Rally against cuts in the Berlin social services, Abgeordnetehaus, Niederkirchnerstraße 5


1.30pm, Housing summit: protest in Berlin, Kolonnenstraße 30b


7pm, Racism on Trial Platform Launch, Kiezraum Dragonerareal


9pm, Transformations – Soli Show for Grüni, Zielona Gora


Friday 6th – Sunday 8th December

Art for Gaza, Galerie Zimmer 48


Friday, 6th December

10am, Demonstration against Alice Weidel (AfD), S-/U-Bahn Wittenau


from 7pm, theleftberlin End of Year Party


8pm, Bilingual Book Presentation: „Beneath The Mountain“ Anti-Prison-Reader, Schwarze Risse


Saturday, 7th December

9am, Rally against expulsion of Ramsy Kilani from die Linke, Alfred Kowalke Straße 14


1pm, Demonstration – Legalitze abortion now, Alexanderplatz


5pm, Queer Culture in Exile, PANDA platforma


5.30pm, Heart of Gaza: An exhibition featuring artworks by children from Gaza, Rote Lilly


from 9pm, Meridonale Antagonista, Grünberger Straße 73


Monday, 9th December

6pm, Rally for Mumia Abu-Jamal, US Embassy


7.30pm, Kilme Talks – Nahed Samour, Acud Studios


Wednesday, 11th December

4.15pm, Protest against budget cuts in Berlin, Neptunenbrunnen


6pm, Filming at Demos? A collective reflection, Bilgisaray


Friday, 13th December

8pm, From Berlin to Belgrade: Cities and Fabrications of history, Museum of Capitalism


Saturday, 14th December

midday, demonstration against Nazi march in Friedrichshain


from 2pm, Zines and Chill, faq Infoladen, Jonasstraße 40


6.30pm, Jüdische Stimme film evening – the first 54 years, Spore Initiative


Sunday, 15th December

from 1pm, Berlin Punk Rock Market, Cassiopeia Club


7pm, theleftberlin Book Club – Decolonizing the Political Community, Nansenstraße 2


Saturday, 11th January

Protest against the AfD conference in Riesa