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News from Berlin and Germany, 19th June 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Görlitzer Park: preparations for “Day Z”

The battle lines are clearly drawn – and they continue to harden. Görlitzer Park in Kreuzberg has been a real hotspot for years. Various politicians have been trying to make the park safer, so far without success. Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) is now trying to build up a fence. Although it is not yet clear on which day the construction work will start, the Senate is already preparing for “Day Z,” i.e. the day the fence is built. A demonstration at Spreewaldplatz is also already planned for the day the fence arrives. Source: berlin-live

Student expulsions in Berlin: repression instead of victim protection

Criticism of the reintroduction of regulatory law at universities continues. In an open letter, student representatives have spoken out against the plan, which would also allow violent students to be expelled again. “The draft law opens the door to the control of students’ attitudes and political sanctions,” the letter states. The letter was signed by the student representatives of Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität, Technische Universität and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. For Tobias Schulze (Die Linke), the draft law does nothing to protect victims. However, the bill passed another hurdle: the Science Committee voted in favour of the project. Source: nd


Education minister wants to sack state secretary

Federal Education Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP) wants to have her State Secretary Sabine Döring temporarily retire. This follows a request to investigate possible consequences for university lecturers who had signed an open letter on how to deal with pro-Palestinian protests at Berlin universities, reported by the ARD magazine Panorama . The report, based on internal emails, triggered significant criticism. In a “Statement by Lecturers at Berlin Universities,” more than 100 lecturers criticised the eviction of a protest camp of pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the Freie Universität Berlin in May. Source: tagesschau

Dancing against the AfD

Mobilisation is underway throughout Germany against the national party conference that the AfD, which has been classified as a suspected right-wing extremist party by the Münster Higher Administrative Court, plans to hold in Essen at the end of June. “We are expecting 70,000 to 100,000 people to demonstrate against the AfD in Essen,” says Katharina Schwabedissen, spokesperson for the “Widersetzen” initiative. It is plain that “no violence and no escalation” will come from the protesters – instead, the initiative is calling for creative actions: “People can dance, make music, draw on the street with chalk. Maybe even clowns will come,” says Schwabedissen. Source: taz

Grevesmühlen: officials decry racist attack on young girls

Police said that an 8-year-old Ghanaian girl and her 10-year-old sister were attacked by a group of around 20 teenagers and young adults late last Friday. The attack occurred in the town of Grevesmühlen in the northeastern German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Police mentioned the attackers kicked the younger girl in the face, after which the girl’s parents intervened. The 8-year-old girl and her father sustained mild injuries and were hospitalized. According to police reports, one of the suspected attackers continued to direct racist insults at the victims after officers arrived at the scene. Source: dw

German education system is “at the limit”

Many young people in Germany continue to leave school without any qualifications. In 2022, the number was 52,300, according to the National Education Report, presented in Berlin on Monday. According to the report, the proportion of young people in an age cohort who did not graduate from school rose to 6.9%. The number of actual dropouts is likely to be even higher, as young people who leave school during an ongoing school year are not counted. The Education Report, which runs to several hundred pages, is compiled every two years. According to the authors, the education system is working at the limit. Source: focus

“Ende Gelände” classified as a suspected left-wing extremist organisation

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has categorised the climate protection movement “Ende Gelände” as a suspected case of left-wing extremism. This means that the domestic intelligence service can now also use intelligence services, such as surveillance or informants, to assess the movement’s activities. The constitution protection report for the year 2023, which was published on Tuesday, speaks of an “intensification of forms of action up to and including sabotage.” According to the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, policy papers from “Ende Gelände” also “clearly indicate a radicalisation with regard to the group’s prevailing ideological positions.” Source: rbb24

News from Berlin and Germany, 12th June 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



How Berlin voted in the European elections?

Across Europe, people took to the polls for the European elections on last Sunday, and results in Berlin saw some changes in the political landscape of the city. In comparison to 2019, the winners were the AfD, the BSW and the CDU, while there were losses from the Greens, the SPD and Die Linke. Although the Greens remain as the largest party in Berlin, they suffered considerable losses, with a drop of 8.3%. The CDU gained slightly in that same time (+2.4%) while the 13.2% shared by the SPD represented their worst result to date in a European election in the German capital. Source: the Berliner

TU President: ‘I am not resigning’

The President of Technische Universität Berlin (TU), Geraldine Rauch, will not resign. At its meeting last Wednesday, the Academic Senate of TU Berlin left the decision as to whether she would remain at the university in her own hands. However, it also drew up an opinion poll by secret ballot. A narrow majority voted in favour of her resignation. Rauch was also specifically criticised for likes for X posts in which ‘genocide in Gaza’ was written or in which the questions ‘We are valued partners with war criminals?’ and ‘With which Israel are we valued partners?’ were posed. Students and staff expressed their solidarity with the President. Source: taz

Berlin increases cinema funding

Berlin is increasing its cinema funding by six million euros for the next few years. This was announced by Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (MBB) on the occasion of the cinema programme awards ceremony. This means that there will be significantly more funding for cinema investments and cultural programmes in the future. ‘Anyone who is committed to cinema as a cultural asset must also support the industry appropriately so that it can continue to compete with the major television broadcasters and streaming providers,’ said Florian Graf, Head of the Berlin Senate Chancellery and Chairman of the MBB Supervisory Board. Source: welt


The AfD and how it won over young voters

The far-right populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) made gains in almost all age groups in the recent European elections, but its biggest success was among young people. In the last EU election, in 2019, it garnered just 5% of the young vote. This year, 16% of youths voted for the AfD, tripling the party’s share in this demographic and putting it almost on par with the center-right alliance of the Christian Democratic Union and Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU). The AfD managed to target the young voters like no other German party — mainly via TikTok and Instagram, striking a chord with emotional messages, punchlines and humor. Source: dw

Dead fish discovered again in the river Oder

Around two years after the environmental disaster in the river forming part of the German-Polish border, dead fish have again been discovered in the Oder. The toxic golden algae, which was partly responsible for the large `fish kill’ in the summer of 2022, was able to happen again. The Brandenburg State Environmental Agency plans to discuss further steps. Poland also wants to curb the spread of golden algae. Last May, the Polish Ministry of the Environment announced that the authorities wanted to increase the water flow to make it more difficult for the golden algae to spread. It had been washed into the river from the Gliwice Canal. Source: rbb

Floods destroy harvest on many farms

In the submerged areas of southern Germany, enormous crop failures are imminent. The recent floods have ruined the harvest for many farmers. ‘Masses of water have often destroyed large parts of this year’s harvest,’ said Markus Drexler, spokesman for the Bavarian Farmers’ Association (BBV). The situation is particularly bad in Swabia and parts of Upper and Lower Bavaria. The state government wants to make at least 100 million euros available for those affected by the disaster. In a letter to Agriculture Minister Michaela Kaniber (CSU), BBV Secretary General Carl von Butler emphasised that in individual cases, farms may be significantly affected. Source: tagesschau

S21: New railway station delayed again

The new underground main railway station in Stuttgart is behind schedule – even more so than previously thought. Deutsche Bahn (DB) last planned to complete Stuttgart 21 (S21) in December 2025. Now the opening of the new building has been postponed by another year, to the end of 2026. According to Baden-Württemberg’s Transport Minister Winfried Hermann (Greens), one of the main reasons for the delay is that the digitalisation of the Stuttgart hub in the rail network is more complex than originally assumed. Test operations are due to begin there in stages in mid-2026. Source: taz

News from Berlin and Germany, 5th June 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



‘But it’s nice here’

Over 6,000 people demonstrated against displacement and the often-unaffordable rents in Berlin on Saturday. In the Wannsee district, which has not been known for tenant struggles in the past, Vonovia tenants also resist the five-fold increase in their service charges. ‘It’s not just millionaires who live in Wannsee,’ a resident mentioned. A plaque on the ‘Gemeinsam gegen Obdachlosigkeit und Zwangsräumung’ (Together against homelessness and eviction) demo van remembered some of those who suffered because of displacement. Numerous names of people who had to live and die on the streets were written by hand. Source: jW

Queer community in Berlin threatens to disinvite mayor from CSD

The Berlin Christopher Street Day (CSD) have issued Kai Wegner (CDU) with an ultimatum: either meet some of the longstanding demands from the queer community, or have the invitation withdrawn. A statement issued by the organisation begins: “In 2024, the queer Berlin community will not be fobbed off with warm words from politicians, but will demand the implementation of its demands with vigor.” Among those demands are the inclusion of queer people in the protections enshrined in the Federal Grundgesetz, Germany’s constitution (currently being blocked by the CDU at a federal level), and an introduction of measures against hate crime, with adequate funding of their implementation. Source: the berliner

HU President receives backing

Following the occupation at Humboldt University (HU), President Julia von Blumenthal has received backing from the deans of eight faculties. They published a statement in which they described von Blumenthal’s actions as ‘level-headed and de-escalating.’ The statement was signed by around 500 other HU employees. According to the deans’ letter, part of the challenge was that the group of occupiers was heterogeneous. There was a core of activists who were not interested in dialogue, but in escalation. However, there were also students who were ‘willing to talk.’ In the statements, the deans also write that they oppose all attempts to incite Jewish and Palestinian students against each other. Source: morgenpost


Germany sees its highest number of naturalisations in 23 years

The year 2023 saw quite an uptick in the number of residents being granted German citizenship (200,100). Among them, Syrian nationals represented the largest group to naturalise (75,485), compared to Turkish nationals (10,735). The large discrepancy can be explained by the fact that many of the Syrian nationals who came to Germany as refugees between 2014 and 2016 were newly eligible for citizenship in 2023. In Germany, people with refugee status are not required to renounce their original citizenship to get a German passport. Of the 16 federal states, Germany’s most populous state, North Rhine-Westphalia, naturalised the largest number of people in 2023 (51,185). Source: iamexpat

Survey on racism in the national team causes outrage

The European Men’s Football Championship kicks off on 14 June. Taking advantage of the focus that is currently on this sport, Philipp Awounou will release Unity and Justice and Diversity, a documentary where he explores the question of how the proportion of migrants in the German national team has developed over the past decades and which will be broadcast on 5 June. The electronic magazine Sport Inside commissioned a survey for the film, according to which one in five Germans would prefer to see more white players in the DFB team. The survey triggered a wave of outrage on social media. Source: islamiq

In Remembrance of Walter Lübcke: 500 balloons for democracy

A tribute for Walter Lübcke (CDU) took place in Kassel, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of his murder. Lübcke, who was shot dead on his terrace by right-wing extremist Stephan Ernst, became known in 2015 above all for his commitment to refugees. He was a ‘hero of action,’ President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) recalls, an ‘upright democrat who was committed to the community.’ However, Steinmeier himself admits that ‘in the end, we didn’t do enough to avert the crime. For far too long, we held on to the judgement that we were dealing with lone perpetrators or perhaps a small gang.’ Source: nd

A new Oury Jalloh case?

Hans-Jürgen Rose died 26 years ago. Now it has emerged that his death could be linked to the police station that became famous years later for the death of Oury Jalloh. His widow Iris Rose has charged four of the police officers who were on duty at the time with murder. She is supported by the donor-funded initiative ‘Recherche-Zentrum.’ In an interview with the ARD political programme Kontraste, she declared: ‘We hope that it will be cleared up. Especially for Jürgen’s mum.’ The complaint is based on new findings: apparently, documents from that night in 1997 have been tampered with. Source: tagesschau

The attack in Mannheim will have consequences

The footage of a perpetrator stabbing several people in blind rage last Friday in Mannheim is disturbing. A 29-year-old police officer died on Sunday as a result of the injuries suffered. If he and his colleagues had not reacted with such presence of mind, there would have been even more victims. The attack in Mannheim is evidence of problematic radicalisation. Meanwhile, the city’s residents are showing how to react in a level-headed manner, opposing initiatives such as the Young Alternative, which organised a rally to promote their idea of ‘remigration.’ However, such attacks might have consequences not yet foreseeable. Source: taz

News from Berlin and Germany, 29th May 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Police officer beats journalist during evacuation at the Humboldt University

A video documented how a police officer hits a reporter from the ‘Berliner Zeitung’ (BZ) during the evacuation of an occupied institute at Humboldt University (HU) on Thursday. As BZ reported on the next day, the reporter, who had identified himself as a representative of the press, was beaten by an officer while filming the eviction. The newspaper also published the video about the incident. The police commented on the article, saying the following: ‘We were not previously aware of this video.’ The authorities had sent it ‘immediately’ to the State Office of Criminal Investigation for evaluation. The Journalists’ association demands a “complete clarification”. Source: tagesspiegel

Rent demo on 1 June

The official website of the Left party invites citizens to a demonstration against the rise of rent prices. It considers that “While rents are being increased, many people receive horrendous utility bills and everything is more expensive, little is happening when it comes to wages. And while the federal government prevents improved tenant protection, the CDU-SPD Senate allows rents to rise at the state-owned housing companies and it delays the referendum.” They then invite people to join for a demonstration shortly before the European elections taking place at 2pm on June 1st at Potsdamer Platz. Source: die Linke

Separation of powers in danger

The Berliner Senate admits that the ‘Palestine Congress’ was hastily ended in April. State Secretary of the Interior Christian Hochgrebe (SPD) now admits that the four bans on political activity were imposed at very short notice and communicated to the police. Salman Abu Sitta himself was not informed of the ban either verbally or in writing. The organisers only found out about it while Sitta’s video greeting was already running, even though he had been announced as a speaker for weeks. Furthermore, during the eviction at Humboldt University, a lawyer was arrested and a journalist was beaten by police officers. Lawyer Michael Plöse doubts that the Senate acted lawfully. Source: taz

Berlin 29-euro ticket: 75,000 subscriptions sold in its first month

Almost one month after Berlin’s 29-euro public transport ticket first went on sale, 75,000 passengers subscribed for it. According to the Berlin Senate for Transportation, 85 percent of the 29-euro tickets were sold to existing customers who were transferring over from another kind of ticket. Transport authorities in other German federal states fear the Berlin-wide ticket could diminish the popularity of the Deutschlandticket. Criticism has also come from police and emergency services in Berlin, which, according to police union representative Stephan Weh, have had 31,8 million euros of funding cut at the expense of “internal security” services, namely ambulances and police cars, to fund the 29-euro ticket. Source: iamexpat

The statue of “comfort women”: is Berlin planning to remove it?

The Friedenstatue (the statue of peace) which was inaugurated in September of 2020, is a memorial for the so-called “comfort women”, the hundreds of thousands of women forced into sexual slavery by Japanese troops during the Second World War – as well as to stand as a symbol against sexual violence more widely. Meanwhile, the recent years have seen the Japanese government putting pressure on foreign cities to remove such memorials. During a diplomatic visit to Japan, mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) affirmed he is committed to ensuring there is a monument against violence against women, but a “one-sided representation should no longer take place.” Source: the berliner

Berlin State Secretary Claudia Elif Stutz resigns

Berlin’s new transport senator Ute Bonde (CDU) has lost an important member of staff. State Secretary Claudia Elif Stutz (CDU) has announced that she is leaving the transport administration. According to the ‘rbb’ and ‘B.Z.’, the dispute over the 29-euro ticket is one reason for the resignation. The previoud State Secretary had argued in favour of the reintroduction of the ticket in the Berlin-Brandenburg Transport Association (VBB). Bonde, the new transport senator as of last week and now Elif Stutz’s superior, was the chairwoman at the time. State Secretary Britta Behrendt (CDU) will take over until the position is filled. Source: rbb



Champagne, Rolexes and racism

At the end of last week, a short video went viral. The video was taken last Sunday in the exclusive club ‘Pony’ in Kampen on the island of Sylt. A group of young people sing the phrase ‘Foreigners out, Germany to the Germans’ to Gigi D’Agostino’s song ‘L’Amour toujours’. The Nazi version was also sung on Monday at the Schützenfest in Löningen in the district of Cloppenburg. In the midst of these scenes, bottles of champagne are opened, using the teeth, or credit cards. All of it makes clear that racist statements are not just a phenomenon of boozing neo-Nazis. Source: taz

CDU cancels online vote against combustion engine ban

The planned ban on combustion engines for new cars has met with disapproval from the CDU, and the party wanted to secure support with an online poll.  However, reports from the Bild am Sonntag claim that things didn’t go according to the CDU’s plan.  The vote took place last saturday and in the morning more than 85 per cent of participants were in favour of a ban. The poll was taken offline in the afternoon and the vote cancelled. This was justified by Christoph Schleifer, who works for the company commissioned to conduct the survey, speaking of massive manipulation. He claims that ‘Tens of thousands of votes were cast automatically.’Source: tagesschau

News from Berlin and Germany, 22nd May 2024

Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany



Neukölln and the Nakba

The CDU wants to have the publication ‘Mythos Israel 1948’ in Berlin schools. Die Linke in Neukölln opposes this. The brochure was published a few weeks before 7 October and has since been the subject of a fierce debate. ‘It is important for us to point out that it [the Nakba] was not a systematic expulsion,’ declared a spokesperson for the Masiyot association, which published the brochure. The authors mention that ‘the brochure was never intended to be distributed to schools,’ but only as background material for informed readers. Source: taz

Tuntenhaus is saved

For three months, the residents of the Tuntenhaus in Prenzlauer Berg had to fear for their home, but since Thursday it has been clear: the district of Pankow has a preemptive right to buy the property and the future of the queer house project is secure. Tuntenhaus has occupied the building in Kastanienallee since 1990. The Bavarian investor who had bought the house had until last Wednesday night to sign a settlement agreement, but failed to do so. The house will be sold to the Edith Maryon Foundation. Source: taz

Musk is allowed to build

The alliance ‘Tesla den Hahn abdrehen’ (Turn off the tap on Tesla) describes the vote in the Grünheide municipal council as a ‘bitter blow for water protection and democracy:’ 11 of the 19 Grünheide representatives voted in favour of a development plan last Thursday. Despite the fact that more than 60% of Grünheide residents had spoken out against it in a public survey in February, the US car manufacturer Tesla was given the green light to expand its plant. After the result of the vote became known, its opponents announced further resistance. Source: jW


Investigations after demonstration to remember Nakba

The Berlin Police are investigating 25 criminal charges following another demonstration involving thousands of people to mark the Palestinian Nakba Memorial Day. The charges include incitement, insults, and attacks on police officers. 25 participants were provisionally arrested during the protest march on Saturday. According to the police, around 6,200 people took part at the peak. Around 2,000 participants had been expected. The protest march was therefore stopped several times, but the demonstration managed to reach its destination in Mitte. Source: zeit

EU elections: German 16-year-olds to cast their first votes

A decrease in Germany’s voting age from 18 to 16 could bring more than a million additional people to the polls for the European elections. There are even posters designed to encourage young people to vote in June’s European elections. One has the slogan “First kiss, first time, first vote” and was created by media design students Maja Steinbach, Maria Viktoria Junker and Fabian Navarro. Within Germany, 16-year-olds are eligible to vote in state elections in six states, but this is the first year that people as young as 16 can vote in the elections for the European Parliament. Source: dw

Bystron’s offices raided over bribery probe

German police have raided the offices of a leading member of the AfD over money-laundering and bribery allegations. MP Petr Bystron is accused of receiving money from Russia in return for influence – something he denies. The raids were carried out in a number of locations, including Munich, Mallorca, and the MP’s parliamentary office in Berlin. The Bundestag has agreed to lift parliamentary immunity and to allow for criminal proceedings against him. Bystron is the party’s number two candidate for next month’s European Parliament elections. Another of the AfD’s lead candidates, Maximilian Krah, is currently being investigated for alleged payments from Russia and China, but denies any wrongdoing. Source: bbc