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Irish Bloc Berlin Manifesto

Manifesto to explain what the @IrishBlocBerlin is about


The Irish Bloc Berlin unequivocally condemns the apartheid state of Israel for the systematic oppression and crimes against humanity perpetrated in Palestine over the last seventy-six years. The ongoing genocide in Gaza since October 2023 demands urgent, unwavering international support for Palestinian liberation. There can never be peace without justice and liberation of Palestinians from the systems of oppression and ethnic cleansing that Israel, in its current form, imposes. We strive to do our part in bringing about a future of peace and equal rights for all the people, and peoples, between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea.

Why We Have Come Together

Irish Bloc Berlin was formed in February 2024 by Irish activists in Berlin, who felt an urgent need for a proactive community to resist the injustices faced by Palestinians in Germany and in Palestine. Today, we exist as an expanded group, open to anyone from any nationality or cultural background who feels alienated and enraged by the prevailing German attitude to Zionism and Germany’s apologism for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The raisons d’être of the Irish Bloc are anchored in unique circumstances:

  1. Solidarity with Palestine: We stand forever with the people of Palestine, who have endured unimaginable and relentless brutality at the hands of colonialist forces over the past century.
  2. Germany’s Role: Germany, our home, aids the mass slaughter of Palestinians, perverts the course of international justice by interfering with attempts to hold Israel accountable for its systematic crimes against humanity, weaponises bad-faith accusations of antisemitism to silence voices speaking out against its complicity in genocide, and is taking increasingly extreme and shocking measures to suppress acts of solidarity on its own soil.
  3. Irish Solidarity: Our own experience of colonial violence, occupation, suppression of civil and human rights, famine, and genocide in Ireland primes us to empathise with those experiencing colonialism, occupation, and oppression.

Our Mission and Goals

Whether through outreach, demonstrations, or fundraising, using our tools as citizens to resist oppression and the abetting of genocide is a fundamental obligation. The systematic attacks on Palestinians and allies by German police, along with the often brutal and invariably unconstitutional silencing of pro-Palestinian voices, are clear evidence of Germany’s alarming slide into authoritarianism, and must not be ignored.

  • Community Building: Building connections within the Irish community in Berlin, and between this community and other groups, to show solidarity and find strength in numbers.
  • Raising Awareness: Promoting awareness of the genocide in Gaza and injustices throughout historic Palestine.
  • Fundraising: Raising funds to support Palestinian causes.
  • Advocacy: Advocating for a democratic, egalitarian, and peaceful future for all people between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

Our Actions

We support the right to resistance and self-determination and strive for an anti-colonial world free from exploitation. We stand in solidarity with all people fighting imperialism.

  • Protest Action:
    • Demonstration of Solidarity: Forming blocs during protests to express international solidarity for Palestinian rights.
    • Legal Information: Sharing resources on legal guidance, especially concerning protest-related issues.
  • Diplomatic Pressure:
    • Public Statements: Clarifying our stances and actions.
    • Advocacy and Pressure: Pressuring the Irish Embassy to speak out, in support of Palestine and against German repression of Palestinian advocacy.
    • Lobbying: Pressuring the Irish government at home to take action on injustice in Palestine (especially regarding the Occupied Territories Bill, Illegal Israel Settlements Divestment Bill, and Arms Embargo Bill) as well as on the persecution of Palestinian and pro-Palestinian people in Germany.
  • Media Outreach: Using our network of media contacts to draw attention to the stultifying atmosphere and extreme repression against Palestinians and their allies here in Germany; contributing interviews and appearances on television and radio as well as journalistic pieces to achieve this aim.
  • BDS Action:
    • Legal Guidance: Gathering advice on legal implications of BDS participation in Germany.
    • Direct Action: Active participation in boycotts of products associated with the occupation, which in many cases have proved successful.
  • Cultural Exchange: Hosting events that combine or exchange Irish and Palestinian culture to foster further mutual understanding and solidarity.

Our Call to Action

Irish Bloc Berlin stands as a forum for our collective refusal to comply with the authoritarianism and ongoing injustice in Germany. We support struggles against imperialism and stand behind anyone resisting injustice.

By supporting the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, we aim to enforce an end to genocidal occupation and apartheid in Palestine, and pressure Israel to comply with international law and uphold Palestinian rights and dignity, including the Right to Return.

We connect with individuals and organisations that share our vision for justice and liberation. Inspired by the Dunnes Stores strikers of 1980s Ireland, by Bernadette Devlin, and by many other anti-racist, anti-colonial Irish solidarity movements from throughout history, we draw strength from a legacy of Irish activism for international solidarity.


Raid and Attempted Arson Attack at Kurdish Verein

Interview with Ferat Koçak: Nav Berlin saw a community day interupted by a police raid, and the next day during a community meeting suspected Grey Wolf fascists attempted an arson attack on the community centre


Following a police raid and suspected Grey Wolf attempted arson attack on a Kurdish Verein (association), The Left Berlin interviews Die Linke politician Ferat Koçak. He was in the community centre at the time of the attack and had previously survived a far-right arson attack on his home in 2018.

On Saturday the 5th of October the police searched the Verein des demokratischen kurdischen Gemeindezentrums Nav Berlin and arrested two people. Why did the police search a Kurdish community centre?

First, the repression against Kurds, especially left-wing Kurds, has been happening for years. As for why here, we don’t yet have that information. I’ve made a parliamentary inquiry about that. But we know that the former mayor of the Kurdish city Ağrı was arrested. He is a board member of the HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party) so an opposition member who fled to Germany. This highlights that the long arm of Erdoğan’s Turkish regime reaches to Germany, and other European countries, which we’ve seen includes deportations of opposition figures. There was recently a meeting from Annalena Baerbock with Turkish functionaries, and we can assume these things were spoken about, as well as a recent deportation from Berlin to Kurdistan. 

At the same time, Germany has promised Turkey weapons exports, and with these weapons, Turkey attacks Rojava in Northern Syria and Northern Iraq, destroying infrastructure and killing people. For example, most recently, two quite well-known Kurdish journalists were killed with a drone. The Turkish army has also invaded Northern Syria and Northern Iraq and set up occupations, and these Turkish military operations, which are contrary to international law, are not criticised by Germany as Turkey’s NATO partner. We shouldn’t forget that Erdoğan holds onto the keys to the door to Europe, stopping people on the move from entering. I believe this repression has a bigger complex that we have to take into account, and it is important that we now clearly stand in solidarity with Kurdish comrades.

What happened during the search?

There was a Hundertschaft [a unit of 80-120 police officers] with machine guns, on a Saturday while families and kids were there. It had been a totally normal community centre day. They took people’s personal details, and then two were arrested, namely the former mayor and a younger person. The whole process took 2 hours, and the two people were held for a total of 4 hours. They were not told why they were arrested. Their fingerprints were taken, and then they were released.

It’s not the first time that Nav Berlin was searched by the police. Is there a longer history of police assaults against the Kurdish community in Berlin?

For many years there’s been attacks and repression, such as people assaulted at peaceful demos, arrests, and so on. We’ve known this since the 1990’s with the PKK ban in Germany. This ban has been used to criminalise and attack left-wing Kurds and opposition figures from Turkey. In 2019, there was a wave of larger police activity with raids, and they took many items, such as laptops, destroyed spaces, broke things, tore down doors, threw things on the floor, and so on.

We consider the most recent attack to be connected to the international week for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, the ideological head of the Kurdish movement. There are art exhibitions and events about his years-long solitary isolation. Kurdish comrades are trying to bring visibility to this problem, because holding someone in solitary confinement for so long without even allowing his lawyers access to him goes against human rights standards. Naturally, people need to show Turkey’s trading partner and brother in arms that they are standing against it.

The next day, you were in Nav Berlin’s community centre and were speaking with members of the community. What happened then?

Yeah, I was there and spoke with the former mayor to prepare my parliamentary inquiry. As I got up to go pick up some tea, I noticed that someone had poured something on the front window, which smelled exactly like petrol. I turned around because I had already survived one arson attack, so this triggered me. But I also reacted just like in the 2018 arson attack. I turned back around, I yelled “Benzine! It smells like benzine, we have to go out, everyone out!” Inside there were also babies, children, something like 40 or 50 people inside the whole building. We went outside, the person [who poured the petrol] realised that I came out and quickly ran away. They had covered the entire front of the building with petrol, both entrances and the whole window front. It was only only a matter of seconds before they ignited it, then we wouldn’t have come out of the building. It was an attempted arson attack.

I wanted to call the police, but Kurdish comrades didn’t want to because they had experienced the state repression on the previous day. Eventually the police came and took down information. Then Kripo [Kriminalpolizei] came. But just as Nazis feel motivated when their attacks on refugees and migrants are allowed, naturally, Turkish fascists also feel motivated to attack a Kurdish centre when the state has clearly marked itself against the Verein.

Nav Berlin has said that they suspect Grey Wolves were behind the attack. Who are the Grey Wolves, and why do some believe that they were the perpetrators?

We don’t actually have confirmation that they were Grey Wolves, but we assume so because one week ago, there was an attack against a Kurdish cultural Verein in Hamburg-St Pauli. And the repression against Kurdish facilities in Turkey has increased in the last weeks as well.

The Grey Wolves are Turkish fascists who, in the 1970’s, established themselves in Germany. There have been documented attacks. In 2016, the Kreuzberg office the HKP (People’s Liberation Party), Die Linke’s sister-party, was attacked. Currently, the Grey Wolves are organising heavily. We’ve seen a mob of Grey Wolves hunting and attacking Kurdish comrades in Belgium. We see now that they are also organising themselves here in Germany, in order to create a threatening climate for Kurds, Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, and Jews. And still, the Berlin police, LKA or Verfassungsschutz have not been observing this situation. Based on inquiries we’ve sent, we’ve seen that they simply have no idea how dangerous this group is and how they are organising. And it honestly makes me nervous when there’s Turkish fascists on the streets attacking Kurds. 

As a left-wing politician with Kurdish roots, alongside Cansu Özdemir in Hamburg or Gökay Akbulut in Baden-Württemberg, we are constantly faced with this threat. This is also true for others in oppositional roles, such as an [Turkish] opposition journalist whose house was stormed in Rudow several years ago, and he was beaten up in front of his family. The danger from the Grey Wolves is constantly growing, and because of that, we as Die Linke are organising an event together with Armenian comrades to address this.

This interview was done in German and translated by the author.

The post-election challenge in France

Interview with John Mullen by Tempest magazine


What do you understand to be the main lessons from the summer’s electoral process? Given Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (RN) won the greatest number of votes (more than 10 million) in each round of the election, despite failing to win a majority of parliamentary seats, do you consider the outcome of the second round a defeat for the forces of the far right?

You have to look at the dynamic of the situation. What looked like the unstoppable rise to government of the fascists was pushed back by the biggest mobilization against them for decades.

The second round was an important tactical victory for the Left and for the working class. Consistent polls predicted that the RN would win more seats than any other group, and might even secure an overall majority in parliament, but they ended up in third place. However, the far right will only remain on the back foot for a short period.

Four parties of the Left formed a coalition—the Nouveau Front Populaire, the New Popular Front (NPF), comprised of the Communists, Socialists, Greens, and La France Insoumise (France in Revolt)—and agreed on a fairly radical minimum program for government in record time. They were, it is true, under tremendous pressure from below (outside the building where negotiations happened, hundreds had gathered to chant slogans of unity). The result is that we do not have a fascist government.

Those political groups who were (and are) opposed to the coalition, one must imagine, consider that it changes little or nothing who is in government. Given that Marine Le Pen’s party has declared it wants the hijab to be banned in all public places, social housing to be reserved to French nationals, and certain public sector jobs to be forbidden even to people with dual nationality, one can imagine there are few Muslims or people from ethnic minorities in France who are quite so relaxed about this prospect. Even a minority government controls the police and the schools, and fascist ministers in charge of these domains would be a demoralizing nightmare for our class.

The reason I speak of a tactical victory is that the fascists remain very strong. They have 140 or so MPs (several dozen more than before) and they garnered ten million votes. The need for a mass anti-fascist movement to go onto the offensive against them is clear.

For the moment, the National Rally is very weak indeed on the ground. In many towns they have practically no party structure, and they have not organized a street demonstration of more than 10,000 people for decades. At its annual conference the NR leadership noted that, in addition to continuing the long march through the institutions and their obsession with respectability, they absolutely must build locally. It would be quite possible for antifascists to stop them with broad campaigns of education and harassment.

Because the NR has concentrated on a parliamentary strategy, hoping to win power in the institutions to then permit a mass of street fighters, it is particularly the wrong time to argue that elections have no importance.

Earlier this month, President Emmanuel Macron, himself a figure of authoritarian neoliberalism, ignored historical precedent in overseeing the creation of the new government after the election. Macron facilitated the creation of a new government led by a prime minister (Michel Barnier) from the traditional center-right party, The Republicans,which had come in fourth place. In doing so, Macron refused to allow the NFP, with the largest number of parliamentary seats, to seek to form a government. How do you assess the stability of this government and the role that now has to be played by the NFP, La France Insoumise, and the forces of the revolutionary left, respectively? What has been the response of the Left, as well as the working-class, to Macron’s decision?

Although the present crisis is a slow-burning one, it is the deepest in the country since 1968. The constitution forbids repeat parliamentary elections until next June, so we will see weak minority governments, rapidly changing alliances, and significant space for extraparliamentary revolt.

Barnier’s government is stuffed with reactionaries who are copying ideas from the RN. But Macron would have preferred a more stable left-right coalition, and is unhappy that (so far) the left coalition, the New Popular Front, has held.

Every political organization and political alliance in the country is fragile, including the Barnier government. It took a long time for him to choose ministers, and apparently he had to threaten to resign to make Macron accept his list. The ministers are already bickering publicly about whether RN is a legitimate democratic party or not.

The NFP has reacted by insisting that Macron is in contempt of democracy and that Lucie Castets, the agreed NFP candidate for prime minister, should have been appointed. Nevertheless, nearly half the Socialist Party National Committee wanted to break the left alliance, and voted to support a compromise PM, Bernard Cazeneuve.

It seems to me essential that the whole of the Left should defend the very limited democracy we have under capitalism. It does matter whether Macron respects elections or not. La France Insoumise (but not the rest of the NFP) is campaigning for Macron to be impeached for not respecting democracy. This is a healthy, popular demand. The reactions of the revolutionaries have varied, but sadly almost none of the groups have supported the campaign for impeachment.

On other important questions of strategy, the far left organizations are very far from unanimous. One of the bigger groups, Le Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste—The New Anticapitalist Party (NPA), has joined the NFP as a minor player. Others are busy denouncing it.

At very short notice, the NFP was able to build an electoral coalition, one that mobilized broadly across the Left, and within working-class, immigrant, and Arab and Muslim communities, to win the largest plurality of seats. What, if any, is the ongoing impact of these mobilizations in the face of the right-wing government? Can this coalition be the basis for ongoing struggle against the Right?

To some extent. On September 7, demonstrations led by youth organizations and La France Insoumise, and looked on favorably by the leadership of the main left trade union confederation, the Confédération Générale du Travail—General Confederation of Labour (CGT), took place in some 150 towns across France. The Green party and the Communists called for people to get on the streets, but the Socialist Party did not. On September 21, there was a similar mobilization, but it was considerably smaller. La France Insoumise is at the center of this dynamic, with other parts of the NFP sometimes agreeing to join in.

It is impossible to say what will come out of a situation which sees both dynamic mass activism and plenty of discouragement on the Left. No doubt the key result on the ground is the 60,000 new people who have asked to get involved with La France Insoumise and the many hundreds who have joined the different revolutionary organizations.

The more parliament is paralyzed, the more mass action outside parliament is crucial.

There is a lot of criticism and skepticism of the NFP from sections of the revolutionary left based on the participation of the historically social liberal, and pro-NATO Socialist Party. How do you respond to this line of criticism? And how do you understand the balance of forces within the NFP between its constituent parts? How stable do you expect it to be in the face of the Barnier government?

You form coalitions with people you do not agree with. If the La France Insoumise leadership had said, “We will not ally with the social-liberals,” there would be a fascist-led government in France today. Every day gives good reason to mistrust most of the leadership of the Socialist Party (as well as the Communist Party), but it is critical that their leaders were pressured from below to sign on  to a radical program to block a fascist government.

Like every political force in France today, the coalition is unstable and the right-wing of the Socialist Party are getting organized in case the alliance falls apart. Among other crises, a small group of four or five La France Insoumise members of parliament has split off to its right, accompanied by acres of joyful newsprint from the right-wing media. Some of the less right-wing of Macron’s MPs have left his grouping, and the Greens are also having fierce internal debates.

The good news is that Macron’s plan A and plan B both failed. Plan A was the lightning speed election which was supposed to knock out a divided left and leave Macron as “our only defense against fascism.” Plan B was to split the left alliance and set up a “national unity” government with the Right and with sections of the Left outside La France Insoumise.

The huge movement of strikes and street mobilizations, which is necessary and likely, stands more chance against this weak Barnier government.

Insofar as the forces of the far right, led by Marine Le Pen’s RN—which won the greatest number of votes in each round of the election—are essentially giving support to the Barnier government, how do you assess the impact of the new government on the growth of the far right?

This support could be very temporary indeed. But obviously the fascists are hoping to advance in the crisis. Firstly, they want to gain respectability outside their own electorate, particularly in upper-middle-class circles. Secondly, they want to pretend they are the realistic alternative to discredited Macronism. Lastly, they need to encourage their fascist core with red meat racist rhetoric. It’s a difficult balance. In addition, they want to build local party structures everywhere. So, they have real strengths, but lots of weak points that antifascists can attack. There are some signs of antifascist activity increasing around the country, including in La France Insoumise.

Given the role that La France Insoumise has been playing, and its undisputed mass support within left-wing and antifacist sections of the working-class and immigrant and Arab and muslim communities, it seems clear that revolutionary socialists should relate to this in some way. At the same time, there is some criticism of its inability or failure to create a “democratic membership organization.” In what ways can the revolutionary left relate to LFI?

I was a member of revolutionary organizations in France for more than 30 years. If I am no longer a member now, it is because I think they are wrong on crucial questions and their attitudes to the French new left is at the center of this.

The emergence of La France Insoumise over the last eight years represents a remarkable success for mass left reformism, which must be clearly understood if revolutionaries are to react appropriately.

This is an organization that secured more than 7.5 million votes in 2022 and that speaks of “a citizen’s revolution.” Its leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, calls it “an anticapitalist force, aiming at ecological planning of the economy.” Tens of thousands of people have flocked to the movement over the last couple of months. La France Insoumise organized a summer school with 116 meetings and more than 5,000 people in August 2024. It has set up regular educational courses for activists, including “Introduction to Marxism” classes, and is taking the accumulation of cadre seriously.

La France Insoumise was the driving force behind the coalition that pushed back the fascists—and it is the force attracting the best young activists now. The organization has succeeded in transforming public debate and breaking the reigning “there is no alternative to neoliberalism” atmosphere. It has brought opposition to islamophobia into the mainstream of left politics, from where it had been absent for several decades (even though both La France Insoumise and the revolutionary left in France have some distance still to go on this question).

The organization is organizationally independent of the old reformist left (unlike, say, mass Corbynism in the United Kingdom). It now publishes books, organizes weekend schools and lectures, and seems to be becoming hegemonic on the radical left.

In sharp contrast to left reformist groups in several other countries, La France Insoumise’s leadership has held firm on the two issues on which the establishment pressure has been strongest: Palestine and police violence. Two of its leaders, Mathilde Panot and Rima Hassan, were called into the police station, accused of the crime of “supporting terrorism.”

Mélenchon had an official police complaint lodged against him by the Ministry of Higher Education because he criticized the disgusting attitude of the Chancellor of Lille University who banned the group’s lecture on the genocide in Gaza. A far-right police trade union organized a demonstration in front of La France Insoumise’s headquarters some time back. In short, La France Insoumise is the center of gravity of radical left politics.

Its emergence is the result of two phenomena. Firstly there is the generalization of political class consciousness in France after the mass political strikes of 1995, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2019, and 2023 (against attacks on pensions or on labor protection legislation) and the popular revolts of 2005, 2018, and 2023 (against police violence or rural poverty). Secondly, there was the weakness and division of the revolutionary left, which we would have liked to have become hegemonic. The result is a mass left reformism, seen as an open-ended determination to rethink the whole of society.

It would be disastrous for revolutionaries to primarily see this new force as unwelcome competition. Seeing tens of thousands of new activists flood in to defend a “citizens’ revolution” and “spectacular change” should delight every Marxist. “Debate, debate, debate” should be the priority—not “denounce, denounce, denounce!” It is essential to take as a starting point what the relation is between La France Insoumise and workers’ interests, not to start with what effect the rise of the FI will have on our small organizations.

It is easy to read online what the main newspapers of the French revolutionary left have written about La France Insoumise in the last few years. The organization is almost never mentioned, except to denounce selected actions, tactics, or slogans. You find almost no debates with its representatives, nor do you find fraternal in-depth articles explaining agreements and disagreements. I think these two kinds of articles should have been present in every issue of every publication.

Mélenchon has written seven books in the last ten years. I have been unable to find a review of any of them in the main far left publications in France.

This tendency to assess other parties of the Left in a sectarian manner has led to some serious mistakes, cutting the far left off from the most promising new masses of activists. I will mention three examples.

In the presidential elections in 2022, two separate Trotskyist candidates stood against Melenchon, obtaining 0.56 and 0.77 percent of the vote (as against Mélenchon’s 21.95 percent). What is more, the campaign of the least unpopular, Philippe Poutou, mostly spoke of radical reforms, not of revolution.

Then, two months ago, a few La France Insoumise MPs split off from the party, after having prepared a new organization (L’Après—L’Association pour la République écologique et sociale). It is becoming clear that this formation will, in fact, be less left-wing. Much of the far left supported the split and continues to support the small organization born from it, citing worries about democracy within La France Insoumise.

And, third, the far left has refused, with occasional honorable exceptions, to contradict and fight against the horrific smear campaigns against Mélenchon and other La France Insoumise leaders, which are similar to those run against Corbyn in the United Kingdom a few years ago, that he is an antisemite and “friend of Vladimir Putin” and so on.

Concerning the kind of organization La France Insoumise is building: unimpressed with the results of traditional radical left parties in France, which are frequently bogged down in endless faction fighting, its leadership wanted to try something different. The party has no formal membership, no one can be expelled, representatives at national delegate meetings are chosen by lottery, and local action groups are very much autonomous. The program is meant to hold the organization together.

Revolutionaries may agree or disagree with these methods (though no one is asking our opinion, to be clear), but they give rise to a situation that has advantages for Marxists. You can be an activist in La France Insoumise and a member of another organization. You can openly publish your own paper and have your own meetings.

Personally, I can’t see why revolutionaries won’t work openly inside La France Insoumise. Two or three Trotskyist groups do, keeping their independent voice. But even groups that prefer to stay outside should be ten times more interested than they are in debating with La France Insoumise people on the many crucial questions thrown up by the present crisis.

Despite its important work building up movements, the revolutionary left is a small player, and needs to recognize this. Mostly, what we have to offer is ideas, analysis, history.

Many debates are in progress inside La France Insoumise. How should we understand women’s oppression? How can a radical program be implemented? What should we think of the animal rights movements, privilege theory, the crisis of imperialism, or left patriotism? Marxists have a huge contribution to make to these discussions.

There are also numerous serious disagreements between Marxists and the leadership of La France Insoumise over French imperialism, the role of parliament, the potential for constitutional reform, and so on.

But in La France Insoumise, we have an attractive, dynamic mass organization looking for a “citizens’ revolution.” We Marxists want a workers’ revolution. But in a situation in which 90 percent of the working class do not see a clear difference between the two, it’s better to be inside the hall discussing the way forward than standing in the bus shelter across the road, searching through lists of tactical decisions by La France Insoumise looking for one to denounce.

This interview first appeared on the Tempest website. Reproduced with permission.

Genocide Joe: Not welcome in Berlin!

Demo: Friday 18th October, 5pm, Alexanderplatz Weltzeituhr


On 18th October, US president Joe Biden is expected in Berlin on a state visit. Genocide Joe wanted to come last Friday, but climate change does not respect the travel plans of imperialist geopolitics. Because of Hurricane “Milton”, the biggest supporter of the genocide in Gaza had to cancel his trip.

Despite this, hundreds took to the streets of Berlin behind the slogan “Not Welcome: Genocide Joe” to show their rejection of the US politics of war in the Middle East and Ukraine. They were repeatedly and brutally attacked by the Berlin police and many people were arrested,

Now, “Genocide Joe”, as he is lovingly called by family and friends, will paralyse our city on Friday with an oversized state visit. We will gather once more on Berlin’s streets and show the main sponsor of Israel’s genocidal vendetta how welcome war criminals and mass murderers are in Berlin: that is, not at all!

It is fully clear: without the support of the USA, the Israeli army’s devastating campaign of destruction and retribution against the Palestinian and now the Lebanese people would be unthinkable.

Under the pretext of fighting terrorism, the USA is allowing the pariah state Israel to implement the restructuring of a whole world region, which will kill hundreds of thousands and end with the expulsion of millions of people.

We can already see the consequences: over 50,000 dead in Palestine within the last 12 months at the hands of Israel. Hundreds of thousands mutilated and injured. People, whose whole families have been wiped out. Children, who have lost their parents. Parents, who must busy their children. Devastated cities. Misery. Grief.

And in Lebanon the same. Thousands of civilians now dead. Innumerable injured and traumatised. A country is being systematically destabilised. A society destroyed with the explicit support of the USA.

It is not just Joe Biden who is standing firmly on the side of Israel’s murderous politics. Last week, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz once more confirmed that he would carry on supporting Israel’s genocide by delivering weapons. While a majority of UN members are demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, Biden and Scholz want more weapons, more bombs, more war.

For this meeting of warmongers in Berlin the whole city will once more be put into a state of emergency. Snipers on the roofs, manhole covers welded shut, and rush hour traffic will be so efficiently blocked that Last Generation will be jealous. Working people will be saddled with paying millions of Euros, although the majority of the population do not want anything to do with the World Order wars of the USA, which they condemn.

We will not accept this madness so simply. In solidarity with the people of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, in solidarity with all victims of US politics, we are calling a demonstration against US imperialism’s warlike politics on Friday 18th October 2024, at 5pm at Berlin Alexanderplatz.

Take to the streets! Be a spanner in the works of the imperialist madness and tell the US president what you think of him: Genocide Joe not welcome!

Hebron/Ramallah Photojournal

A Palestinian theleftberlin reader is currently visiting the West Bank. This is his visual report


Anti Palestinian Authority graffiti in Ramallah


Areas A and C: The West Bank is divided into Area A (Palestinian control), B (Partial Palestinian control) and C (Israeli control). The foregrounded hill is in Area C where Palestinians are virtually never granted building permits. The hill on the horizon (to the right) in Area A is covered in buildings.


An Israeli military station next to a gate outside a Palestinian town entrance


A building bombed by Israeli forces in downtown Ramallah


The word ‘Fatah’ (the ruling party in the West Bank) next to a star of David; the party is wildly unpopular in the West Bank.


Graffiti outside the German consulate in Ramallah


A torn poster advertising the 2020 Human Rights Day with ‘Resist’ spray painted on top.


Kufr Aqab’s ‘Concrete Jungle‘: Palestinians in municipal Jerusalem could lose their residency if they live outside these buildings, causing crowding and vertical expansion of their neighbourhoods. The empty hill where serving as the photographer’s vantage point is outside the municipality.


Graffitti reading, ‘Mia Khalifa – My blood is Palestinian’


A settlement overlooking a Palestinian vineyard; such settlements are violations of international law.


A screenshot from a 250k member telegram channel where people post minute by minute updates on roads statusgates, checkpoints and alternative routes.

(Below) Open and closed gates:Israel installs these ‘simple’ gates at all palestinian towns’ entrances. The gates are usually closed when there’s an incident, but since October 7th, it’s arbitrary.

(Below) Qalandia checkpoint, the gateway to Ramallah, on a quiet day: Cars, army posts and chaos.

(Below) A roadway skirting the West Bank Barrier