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Muslim Futures

Creating an empowering and Disruptive space


Who thinks about the future and who doesn’t?

Who is offered chances and spaces to use the challenging experiences of today and the many fights in the here and now to imagine a tomorrow that is more just, inclusive, and empowering?

How would it be if there were such a space that allowed Muslims to draw the future, to negotiate, and to target what is worth fighting for today?

To draw futures, and the many desirable nuances from them, which focus on the many-faceted Muslim lives and on Muslims, which do not homogenise and categorise them in a racist manner, which do not criminalise Muslims and declare them to be an “Other.”

How would it be if we called this space “Muslim Futures?”

Inspired by the work on Afro-Futurism, Muslim Futures wants to connect with this tradition and to focus on specific Muslim intersectional futures. The anti-racist and decolonial project uses the methods of Critical Futures Thinking and makes it fruitful for political and artistic education work.

Muslim Futures is in many ways and areas a disruptive practice – in political education work, in Futures Thinking, and around anti-Muslim hegemonic thinking and acting.

Come and enter the world of Muslim Futures to radically imagine more just and inclusive futures with us. From the 18th until the 21st of January, you’ll find us in the ACUD Gallery and Club. Please visit the website and our social media (superrrnetwork) for more details on the programme!

Muslim Futures
Thursday 18.1 – Sunday 21.1 – ACUD Galerie + ACUD Club
Thursday 18.1, 19H

Gemeinschaftlicher Widerstand (Community resistance)

Our Solidarity against their Repression

What went on in Hamburg in 2017?

In the run-up to the 2017 G20 summit, the meeting of the governments of the 20 most powerful countries in the world, Hamburg was turned into a fortress to prevent protests as far as possible. Tens of thousands of police officers were deployed, general bans on demonstrations were imposed across the city, demonstrators travelling to the event were monitored, critical journalists were excluded and even the German army was involved. Despite this, hundreds of thousands of people took the opportunity to protest against the summit: After all, it is precisely these states that are largely responsible for inequality and exploitation, flight and war, neocolonialism, oppression and climate catastrophe.

From the very beginning, demonstrations and protests were attacked by the police, hundreds of people were injured, some of them seriously, and countless others were locked up in specially designed prisons. Despite this, there were massive, angry, creative and diverse protests in favor of a better world in which everyone can live without fear.

A good overview of the protests and police violence can be found in the documentary “Hamburger Gitter” – available on YouTube with English subtitles.

What is the new G20 process starting this week all about?

The first day of the summit was July 7. Thousands of activists were out and about from the early morning to demonstrate and block access routes for the summit participants. Various protest marches set off from the protest camp in Altona. On the way to the city centre, a group of around 200 people encountered several police units who brutally attacked the demonstration in Rondenbarg Street in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld from the front and behind and broke it up within a very short time.

The police immediately ran towards the demonstration without prior announcements, shouting loudly. Demonstrators were violently brought to the ground, beaten and insulted. There were numerous injuries ranging from lacerations and bruises to sprained neck vertebrae and open fractures.

Although there was massive police violence against the demonstrators and no police officers were injured, it is not the police but the demonstrators who are now on trial. Charges have been brought against a total of 85 people in the so-called G20-Rondenbarg-proceeding, and the trial for six of them will now begin on January 18 at Hamburg District Court.

What impact would a conviction have?

The public prosecutor’s office accuses all of the defendants of “serious breach of the peace”. None of the six defendants is accused of an individual act: Demonstrators are to be sentenced for mere presence at a demonstration! The minimum sentence for “serious breach of the peace” is six months in prison.

If the court follows the demands of the public prosecutor’s office and sentences those involved in the Rondenbarg proceedings, the freedom of assembly and thus the most important means of political debate in public spaces would be massively restricted.

In addition to the retrospective justification of police violence during the G20 summit, a permanent restriction of the right to demonstrate is the most important goal of the state in this trial. The trial is being organized on a correspondingly gigantic scale. The first instance alone will be heard over at least 25 days, with dozens of police officers invited as legal witnesses.

How can we show solidarity now?

We would be happy if as many people as possible came to the demonstration in Hamburg next Saturday, 20.01.2024!  The details of the joint bus journey from Berlin are here.

There will be manifestations in front of the court on every day of the trial. We look forward to your support and participation here too. All dates can be found on our homepage. There will certainly also be other larger protest actions – not only in Hamburg, but hopefully also in Berlin and many other places.

What else can we do? We can (very importantly!) tell as many people as possible about the ongoing process and spread the word, we can distribute leaflets and put up posters, write our own texts, translate existing texts and show our protest against this political process in Hamburg in all imaginable diverse, angry and creative ways.
And perhaps most importantly, let us expand, broaden and intensify the struggles for which we already took to the streets in Hamburg in 2017: Against the impositions of capitalist normality, against war and isolation, armament and racism, patriarchy and environmental destruction, police violence, oppression and exploitation. Let’s come together, let’s change the world for the better!

The campaign „Gemeinschaftlicher Widerstand“ (“Community Resistance”) has been working on the so-called G20-Rondenbarg-proceedings since the end of 2019. It stands in solidarity with the 85 defendants. People across Germany are involved in organizing rallies, demonstrations, events and other solidarity actions as part of the campaign. The campaign’s call for solidarity is supported by more than 100 groups and initiatives. Contact:

Arts and Culture Alliance Berlin

Berlin-based artists and cultural workers in support of Palestinian Liberation and artistic


We stand against censorship, cancellation and harassment

We stand together against the recent escalations in the censoring, silencing, defaming, and deplatforming in Germany of those standing up for Palestinian liberation and human rights. Even before the current war, Germany had become uniquely and shamefully notorious around the world for canceling, silencing, smearing and intimidating cultural, academic, and civil society individuals and organizations who align themselves with the politics of the international Palestine solidarity movement. These violations of artistic freedom and common decency are perpetuated by actors at all levels of government, including the Berlin Senate and its bodies, as well as by cultural institutions, foundations and funding bodies. Acts of censorship harm the democratic structures and cultural conditions of Germany, and serve to isolate the German cultural scene from engaging in contemporary global discourses of decolonisation.

Repression of critical and racialized voices empowers the far right

We recognize that the silencing of voices speaking out for Palestinian human rights is contributing dangerously to the rise of racism, xenophobia, state violence and repression in Germany. It serves only the far right whose rising support positions all racialized people in greater danger and corrodes democratic public institutions, including funding and support for cultural expression. Palestinian, Muslim, Arab and racialized people are being made to pay an especially high price in this culture of fear. Those perpetuating the policies, cancellations and smear campaigns cynically proclaim that they are doing so in the name of fighting anti-Semitism. But by silencing People of Colour, Anti-Zionist Jews, Muslims, Arabs, queers, and our anti-colonial positions, the far right, who have always seen these groups as the enemy, are emboldened. The fight against anti-Semitism is the fight against racism and fascism, and must include fighting all forms of racism, defending free expression, freedom of arts and culture, and the right to international solidarity.

We stand for humanity and in solidarity with Palestinian liberation

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for freedom, self-determination and a just peace in the name of our common humanity. Those who work in arts and culture cannot only claim to represent and defend the flourishing of the human experience when it is convenient. The same values that drive us to create challenging and beautiful works call on us to name and protest against the great injustices of our time, including the mass murder of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. It also calls us to name and protest the fascist government of Israel and that nation-state’s foundations in violent settler colonialism. We see this as entangled in our struggles in Germany, where for too long, the dominant culture has refused to incorporate the humanity of Palestinians into their conception of what it means to truly account for the sins of their past.

How and why do we organise?

This alliance is committed to fighting against, not only what we perceive as threats to the German cultural scene from government institutions, but also what we understand to be the pitfalls of the individualizing mechanisms of the art world that create the conditions for artists using political struggles to platform themselves and further their careers. It is for this reason we feel the urgency of organising collectively. While we aim to find a language and vision that provides as wide a tent as possible for mobilising artists of diverse backgrounds and political affiliations, we foreground the needs and safety of the most marginalised voices among us. Right now, that means we listen to, and protect the Arab, Muslim and Palestinian artists in our group. We emphasise the danger of divorcing cultural censorship in Germany from the global catastrophe that is the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

Follow the Arts an Culture Alliance Berlin on Instagram here.

The One Body Initiative for Gaza

Fundraising by Palestinians for Gazan


The situation for the people in Gaza is dire. Two million people have lost access to basic necessities such as food, water, medicine, and shelter. As the attacks on Gaza continue, prices for resources such as medicine, blankets, sleeping bags, and tents have grown exponentially. The One Body Initiative was founded with the purpose of distributing these resources to families in need by a small network of local volunteers on the ground.

Grassroots organizations in Gaza, such as the One Body Initiative, are more nimble and can get the much-needed help to those who were displaced more quickly.

Gaza is under full blockade, which makes it hard for international organizations to intervene. We found ways to get donations to our direct relatives and friends in Gaza who started this initiative. So far we’ve successfully sent almost $10,000! A huge win in the face of Israel’s plan to isolate Gaza.

Your donation to this fund will go towards the purchase and distribution of medicine, blankets, sleeping bags, diapers, food, and building tents for those who have been left in need in the wake of this genocide.

It costs 200$ to build a tent and provide a mattress and pillows, including transporting the materials and labor.

You can make donations at this GoFundMe page. Feel free to contact Fatima at (984)-312-9527 and Asmaa at +1 (828) [phone redacted] for any questions.

Check out yahya.alqassas Instagram page for videos from Gaza

United for Sudan

Action platform under the umbrella of the Sudan Club e.V.


United for Sudan is an action platform under the umbrella of the Sudan Club (Sudanese German Cultural Association e.V.) in Berlin. The platform aims to deploy the voices of first and second-generation Sudanese, who have spent most of their lives in the diaspora and are using their knowledge, connections and resources to fight against the ongoing war and its consequences. By harnessing the collective strengths of the diaspora, we aim to contribute to peace-building, provide vital humanitarian assistance and engage in advocacy to promote a sustainable future for all its people.

Since April, Sudan has been experiencing a devastating war that has left tens of thousands dead or injured and 6 million displaced. This displacement crisis is the largest of its kind in the world, and is regrettably receiving little attention or solidarity. The conflict is not only destroying countless livelihoods, but is also threatening the progress made by five years of revolutionary struggle under the slogan “Peace, Freedom, Justice.”

To mark the fifth anniversary of the Sudanese revolution, United for Sudan is organizing a day of solidarity, visibility and fundraising. We invite all allies and friends to join us on December 16 from 4 to 10 p.m. at Moos Space in Treptow (Moosdorfstrasse 7-9) to demand: “Stop the War!”

The program contains:

  • Sudanese food and drinks
  • Live music by Sudanese and other African musicians
  • An exhibition about the revolution
  • Henna painting
  • Sudanese children’s choir
  • A feminist movie from Sudan

The entrance fee is 5-15 euros. All proceeds from the sale of tickets and food/drinks will be donated to the organization Sudanese American Physicians Association (SAPA) to support healthcare facilities in Sudan.

There will also be a fashion show by Black designers and an African Christmas market. We look forward to seeing you there!

If you can’t come but still want to donate, you can do so here:

Paypal: link  Purpose: Sudan SAPA

Bank details:

Eva Charité
Berlin Savings Bank
Intended purpose: Sudan SAPA