Interview with Elisa Baş about the accusations of antisemitism against her, racism in Germany, and standing in solidarity with Palestine.
Articles with tag “Racism and Fascism”
Open Letter: People, not “Barbarians”!
Solidarity with the National Speaker of Fridays for Future, Elisa Baş against defamations from the Axel Springer Press!
Statement on the racist police violence and Repression against Palestinians and Palestine Solidarity in Berlin
Issued by: Palästina Spricht, Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, Jewish Bund, and Palestine Campaign.
How Germany Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the AfD
Recent elections in Hesse and Bavaria have crushed the illusion that extremist politics is an Eastern German phenomenon.
Another Government Attack on Muslims: How will Left Opposition Hold Up?
Macron uses Abaya ban to whip up Islamophobia