As part of an ongoing transformation, Bloque Latinoamericano are publicising their political manifesto.
Articles with tag “Politics”
Anonymous donors and the AfD
AfD donors include property magnates, billionaires, and aristocrats. But what stakes do they have in the success of the far-right?
Bloque Latinoamericano Manifesto, Part 2
As part of an ongoing transformation, Bloque Latinoamericano are publicising their political manifesto.
Is Modi’s Mandate of Heaven About to Expire?
Indian voters have delivered a remarkable rebuke to the BJP in spite of all the obstacles Modi’s government has placed in their way.
As Die Linke Slowly Collapses, What Is to Be Done?
More than 15 years after its founding, Germany’s Left Party has split and is staring into the abyss. Many socialists supported the party — but Nathaniel Flakin from Klasse Gegen Klasse argues a new course is needed