Open Letter from Students and Educators
News & Comment
Abolish Frontex
Stop all deportation! End detention!
News from Berlin and Germany, 22nd January 2024
Weekly news round-up from Berlin and Germany
ICHRP – Germany Launched on International Human Rights Day
Growing the solidarity movement for a just and lasting peace in the Philippines
Must Dance and Have a Moustache
Thoughts on gay male culture as the Village People perform at the Trump inauguration.
AfD plans Deportation ticket for non-Germans
In the run up to the German elections, the AfD make their racist plans clear
Germany is Remilitarising, Again
Facing an Increasingly Rightwing Society and a Threat From the East, Politicians are Placing their Bets on a Militarised Germany
Photography Can Amplify Stories, Voices and Empower People
Interview with Margarita valdivieso Beltran about her anti-racism activism, photography, and work with refugees in Thuringen