Letter from the Editors: 8 June 2023

India’s relationship with Israel, and Summer Camp is Here!!


Hello everyone,

Tomorrow (Friday), Azad Essa will be presenting his new book Hostile Homelands: The New Alliance Between India and Israel in Berln. Hostile Homelands examines India’s relationship with Israel in its historical context, looking at the origins of Zionism and Hindutva; India’s changing position on Palestine; and the countries’ growing military-industrial relationship from the 1990s. Lucid and persuasive, Essa demonstrates that the India-Israel alliance spells significant consequences for democracy, the rule of law and justice worldwide. The Book Presentation tomorrow starts at 7pm in Gerichtstraße 45, Wedding. It is jointly organised by Hopscotch Reading Rooms, the Berlin LINKE Internationals, and the India Justice Project, who are our Campaign of the week.

The Die Linke Berlin Internationals Summer Camp is this weekend, with many workshops, discussions, and opportunities to meet international socialists in Berlin:

  • On Saturday, at 2pm, Katalin Gennburg, Deputly Leader of die LINKE Berlin, will be asking What’s Happening in Die Linke?, Dominic Bunnett will be looking at the EU and Africa, and the Campaign Berlin Autofrei will be introducing itself.
  • On Saturday at 5:30pm, refugee activist Magda Qandil will be talking about Refugee non-protection in the EU: exploitation, torture and murder.
  • On Sunday at 11am, Ingar Solty from the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung will be moderating a discussion on Imperialism, Fine will be reading from her comic on Western Sahara, and Right2TheCity, the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen working group for non-Germans will be introducing itself.
  • On Sunday at 1:30pm, Hanna Grześkiewicz will be talking about the use of art in protests, Ibrahiim Jirefawi from Sudan Uprising will be talking about repression and resistance in Sudan, and Ben Rassback from the Ararat Collective will be talking about Armenian resistance in Artsakh/Karabakh and Rojava.
  • And on Sunday at 3:30pm, Ramsy Kilani from Nakba75 and Palestinian journalist Farah Maraqa will be talking about 75 Years Nakba.

There is a description of each workshop here. We will be publishing descriptions of the two keynote meetings on theleftberlin.com soon.

A mail was sent yesterday to everyone who is registered for Summer Camp with more information. If you didn’t get this mail, don’t worry but please fill in this form. This is to ensure that there is enough food and accommodation available for everyone.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed, list of events which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, an art organisation withdraws from the Long Book Night because of the involvement of real estate firms, 50,000 cyclists demonstrate for more safety, security guard working with the police incites against refugees, and the Re:publica conference talks about money.

In News from Germany, AfD support is polling at 18% – as high as that for the SPD, several women accuse Rammstein singer Till Landemann of unconsensual sex, LINKE politician arrested and Children’s Day demo, long sentences for Lina E and 3 others for fighting Nazis, and celebrities sign open letter against German asylum politics.

Read all about this week’s News from Berlin and Germany here.

New on theleftberlin this week, Jaime Marrtinez Porro analyses the recent elections in Spain, in the second part of our interview with Hossam el-Hamalawy, Hossam looks at the 1968 movement in Egypt, we interview Azad Essa about his new book about India’s relationship with Israel, the Antifascist Music Alliance call on the German music industry and Berghain to stop working with a known Nazi, and Russian socialist Sasha Talaver looks at a new law threatening to ban feminism.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting

The Left Berlin Editorial Board