Letter from the Editors, 7th September 2023

50 Years since the coup in Chile, No Cops in Görli, and trade unions mobilise against AfD leader


Hello everyone,

This evening (Thursday), AfD leader Björn Höcke will be speaking in Oranienburg, a town just north of Berlin. Höcke is from the Nazi “Flugel” wing of the party and is a very dangerous man. The trade union IG Metall is supporting a counter-protest: “All together against Fascism”, saying “the AfD claim to be fighting for participation and democracy because they are for referenda. In fact, the AfD want to weaken or even remove these elements of democracy, which are important for defending the interests of opposition and minorities–No platform for Fascists. Stand up against racism and come to the demo against the AfD meeting with Björn Höcke in Oranienburg at 6pm. Come to the meeting point at Oranienburg station.

On Friday from 4pm, there’s a Rally and Concert No Cops for Görli – Protest against the Berlin Security Summit. The action is demanding an end to violence and for Germany to finally implement a right to stay and work permits for everyone, including migrants. It calls on the government to provide appropriate support for drug takers. That will create real security! Come along to the platform in front of the CoLab in Görlitzer Park and show the cops and co, what we think of their work in Görli.

Monday is the 50th anniversary of the “other” 11th September – the US-backed coup in Chile which removed socialist president Salvador Allende and installed General Pinochet’s brand of fascism and neo-liberalism. There are a number of events commemorating the coup, including:

On Saturday, Rheinmetall Entwaffnen and Berlin Migrant Strikers are organising an International Exchange – The Left and the war. We must act. Including speakers from the RFU (Ukrainian Workers Front) and the Russian RKSM(b) (Revolutionary Communist Youth League (Bolshevik)). This will be followed by a session with two anti-militaristic dockers from Genoa and Jürgen Wagner from the German Information Centre Militarisation (IMI). This networking event will be in different languages. The organisers will try to offer “whisper translation” into English. It starts at 2pm in Mehringhof, Gneisenaustraße 2a.

On Saturday at 3pm it’s the Pride Parade Berlin. Under the slogan Disabled and mad – back on the streets, this is the tenth anniversary of Mad-and-Disability Pride in Berlin! The demonstration starts at 3pm from Hermannplatz, 10967 Berlin. We’ll finish with a stage at Südblock at Kottbusser Tor, Admiralstraße 1-2. Spoken contributions will be held in German spoken language and translated to German Sign Language. The route is about 1.7 km long. The route leads over asphalt roads. At the end, there will be lowered curbs leading to a square with sidewalk slabs. The entire route is step-free and easy to roll on. It has a total of 13m uphill and 9m downhill. Mad and Disability Pride is our Campaign of the Week.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, 700 people demonstrate against war in Berlin, and police plan a bigger clampdown on environmental acticvists.

In News from Germany, 27 members of Letzte Generation are jailed without trial in Bavaria, CDU leader Merz wants to increase deportations, the German government proposes a 3 year rent freeze … but landlords will still be allowed to raise rents, 3 million people without work are not officially unemployed, and Bavaria’s Deputy Prime Minister is accused of antisemitism.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

New on theleftberlin this week, John Mullin in Paris looks at Macron’s latest ban of Islamic dress in schools, while Polish socialist Andrzej Żebrowski calls for opposition to all imperalisms.

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Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board