Letter from the Editors, 24th August 2023

Festivals for peace in Sudan and sea rescue, and demonstrate against police violence


Hello everyone,

On Saturday it’s the Beyond Borders street festival on sea rescue. For the first time, the Beyond Borders Collective invites you to a street festival focused on civilian sea rescue and safe escape routes. Starting at 11am, there will be a cultural program, lectures, and information booths offered until 9pm. Other collectives such as LGBTQ+ Lesvos Solidarity will participate. It all takes place in Spreewaldplatz near the entrance to Görlitzer Park.

Also on Saturday, the Go Film the Police alliance is organising a demonstration to make police brutality visible as organised violence, and to resist the criminalisation of film. Let us be loud against racist police violence! Let us be loud against everyday harassment and oppression, and organise together! The demo starts at 4pm at the RAW Gelände near S-Bahn Warschauer Straße and ends around 6pm at Oranienplatz.

On Saturday from 4pm, Die LINKE Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is organising a Beach Party in protest against the closure of swimming pools. In Friedrichshain there is nowhere left to swim, and in Kreuzberg there are fewer opportunities although the Spree runs through the whole city and the quality of its water is getting better all the time. The party is demanding a lido on the Stralauer peninsula. Because of building work on the peninsula, it will be taking place in exile in the Jockel Biergarten.

And on Saturday evening, there’s a Sudan Solidarity Festival for Freedom, Peace and Justice. Sudan Solidarity Festival wants to set an example for peace in Sudan by bringing people together and encouraging mutual exchange! With live acts by solidarity musicians from Sudan and Germany, the festival wants to celebrate the courage of the Sudanese who have been opposing the oppressive military for years. It takes place in the Festsaal Kreuzberg and is our Campaign of the Week.

On Tuesday evening, Extinction Rebellion is organising a walking tour about German colonialism in Wedding. The tour focuses primarily on the everyday historical manifestations of German colonialism in the north of Berlin. It will explore the continuities of German colonial medicine, deal with the numerous colonial acts of violence and scandals and question the understanding of tradition of some Berlin allotment garden associations. It starts at Sprengelhaus, Sprengelstraße 15 at 6pm. The tour will be in German with whispered translation into English.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events which we are directly involved in here.

Two extra dates for your diary:

  • The Situated Ecologies festival for sounding ecological entanglements in urban environments will be in Berlin next week between 1st-3rd. More information in next week’s Newsletter, but the organisers recommend that you register by 30th August.
  • Next year’s Berlin LINKE Internationals Summer Camp will be in the usual venue – Naturfreunde Hermsdorf – on 29th-30th June 2024. The programme will be developed later this year. If you’d like to be involved, please contact the LINKE Internationals on lag.internationals@die-linke-berlin.de.

In News from Berlin, the Berlin government and real estate developers defy another referendum and prepare to build on Tempelhofer Feld.

In News from Germany, an Islamophobic demonstration follows an attack on a refugee home in Saxony, Germany sees three times as many far right demos as last year, experts find Germany’s plans to tackle climate change to be inadequate, changes to the €49 rail ticket mean fewer rights for travellers, court allows Shelby Lynn to continue her accusations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann, migration laws are eased to fill Germany’s shortage of skilled workers, and meat production in Germany continues to fall.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

New on theleftberlin this week, Dominic Bunnett looks at ISDS, the Investor-State Dispute Settlement System, the financial treaty which systematizes the exploitation of the Global South.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And please do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board