Letter from the Editors, 21st September 2023

Demonstrate for better education


Hello everyone,

Tomorrow evening (Friday) from 6-9pm, there will be a meeting Let’s talk about Strikes – Inputs about strike movements in France, Myanmar and Bangladesh with authors from Communaut and activists from International Confederation of Labor, ICL.The workshop will be held in English and take place in Neukölln or virtually (more information when you register). The participation fee is based on self-assessment, that means you can decide for yourself how much you wish to pay.

Tomorrow at 8pm, there will also be a film showing of Start Wearing Purple, the film about Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen’s fight to expropriate the big landlords. Choosing hope over despair, Berliners are banding together to get their houses back from big investors. Situated in the middle of an inspiring and refreshing movement that could turn the tables around the world, Start Wearing Purple is not only a report and documentary, but also a call to action. The film is in English and German, starts at 8pm and is part of a week of action at Alt-Stralau 68 against the A100 motorway.

On Saturday, there’s a demonstration for a change of direction in Germany’s education policy. Did you know that each year nearly 50,000 young people leave school without any qualifications? Are you aware of the feeling of helplessness when political representatives just plug holes, rather than starting a serious change in education? Do you not want to wait any longer for schools and daycare centres become what they should be? Then get active! and come to the demo–11am at Brandenburger Tor.

On Sunday afternoon, there is a series of films and discussions about China under lockdown. At the end of 2022, in the immediate wake of the widespread “blank paper” or “A4” protests, the Chinese government suddenly lifted all Covid measures. In the rush back to “normality,” the prevailing sense of release and excitement was so strong that three years of experiences with Covid in China seemed to vanish. But the surveillance technology developed during the Covid years in China has taken hold throughout society. It starts at 3pm at the FMP1 Salon, Franz-Mehring Platz 1.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events which we are directly involved in here.

And here’s one for your calendars: Monday, 23rd October from 7-9pm, the Berlin LINKE Internationals are organising a public meeting in Karl Liebknecht Haus: Ongoing Decolonisation: France’s Economic and Political Interests in West Africa with speakers Professor Dr. Baz Lecocq (Executive Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies), Franza Drecsel (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung) and Nathalie Yamb (Cameroonian/Swiss communication specialist and activist). More information to follow.

This week’s Campaign of the Week is the Center for Popular Education–Bildungzentrum Lohana Berkins which provides education for migrants by migrants and is currently holding a crowd funding campaign. The Lohana Berkins Education Centre has helped many migrants learn German and understand their labour rights. We have participated in important debates on the right to the city and the struggle for climate justice. But we need your help to grow, to become more professional and to reach more and more migrants who want to participate in our courses.

In News from Berlin, 250,000 people march throughout Germany in the latest Climate Strike, Last Generation climate activists spray paint the Brandenburg Gate, and O2 will extend its coverage throughout the Berlin U-Bahn network.

In News from Germany, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution gets permission to monitor the AfD in Bavaria, a neo-Nazi group is banned and more are targeted, CDU works with AfD in Erfurt to implement tax cuts, booster vaccines against Covid available, and a TV documentary criticises Internet speed in Germany.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

New on theleftberlin this week, Jérôme Chakaryan-Bachelier looks at imperialist interests supporting Azerbaijan’s attack on Armenia, a photo gallery of Saturday’s demonstration against “pro-Life” fundamentalists, Phil Butland remembers how theleftberlin website started and where we want to go, Palestine Speaks, Palastina Kampagne, and the Judische Stimme report from a meeting about antisemitism which ended in antisemitic abuse and broken ribs, and Claudia Haydt argues that die LINKE is a party of peace and must remain so.

In this week’s Video of the Week, Ramsy Kilani speaks at last week’s anti-colonial climate protest about why there is no climate justice without freedom for Palestine.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And please do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board