Letter from the Editors: 20th July 2023

International Feminist Solidarity with Palestine, and Pride week


Hello everyone,

This evening (Thursday), there is a rally to show internationalist Solidarity with the Resistance of the People of Palestine. The Israeli military unleashed recently another horrific attack on Palestinians, invading a Jenin refugee camp. The Zionist Israeli Regime continues for 75 years to systematically make Palestinian lives unliveable by establishing a regime of terror and creating a racial prison complex. It carries on with massacres, house demolitions, segregation and land theft. Characteristics of institutionalising an apartheid regime. The rally is at 7pm at Oranienplatz. The organisers, the Alliance of International Feminists, are our Campaign of the Week.

On Friday night at 7pm in Mahalle, Waldemarstraße 110, there will be a film screening and discussion to commemorate the Suruç Massacre. On 20 July 2015, people from different cities, with different ideologies and backgrounds were waiting to cross from Suruç to Kobane with the campaign „We Defended Together, We Build Together“ with the call of SGDF (Socialist Youth Associations Federation). Our friends, comrades, and loved ones were subjected to a suicide bomb attack by the Islamist ISIS gang while they were making their press statements. The event will take place in English and the documentary will be in Turkish with English subtitles.

July is Berlin’s Pride Month, and this week is probably the most eventful. Choose from the following:

  • Berlin Canal Pride, starting at 5:30pm this evening at various points along the river Spree.
  • A Revolutionary Berlin Walking tour on Queer Berlin, also tonight at 5:30pm at Nollendorf Platz. If you miss the tour this evening, the guide Nathaniel will be doing the same tour for the Berlin LINKE Internationals next month.
  • Dyke* March Berlin starting tomorrow at 6pm outside the Festsaal Kreuzberg
  • The official Berlin CSD demo, on Saturday at midday at the corner of Leipziger Straße and Spittelmarkt.
  • The Internationalist Queer Pride march on Saturday at 5pm at Hermannplatz.

If you can only make one event for Pride Month, we very much recommend the Internationalist Queer Pride, which was started few years ago in response to a Pride march excluding Palestinians and their supporters. The organisers of Internationalist Queer Pride describes themselves as “precious & beloved communities of radical, anti-colonial, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist queers; and our dear allies”. This year’s IQPB was organised by a web of individuals and groups: Berlin Against Pinkwashing, FACQ Berlin, Group Seiba, QUARC Berlin, Bloque Latinoamericano, Berlin Migrant Strikers, Jewish Bund, Kali Feminists, and Migrantifa Berlin.

On Sunday at 3pm, there is a memorial rally for Beate Fischer. On 23rd July 1994, Beate, a 32-year old mother of 2, was brutally raped, tortured and murdered by three young fascists. The rally will be at Emmentaler Straße 97, where the murder took place, near U-Bahn Rezidenzstraße. It promises to be a loud rally against fascist and patriarchal violence. No-one is forgotten!

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed, list of Events which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, following violence against employees, there will now be a mandatory ID test at Berlin swimming pools, and Tesla wants to build a million vehicles per year.

In News from Germany, following rape allegations against singer Till Lindemann, a second member of Rammstein is accused of sexual assault, racist teachers in Burg must leave their school, a majority is for restricting advertising of sweets. increased criminalisation of Last Generation activists, and working from home soars in Germany.

Read all about this week’s News from Berlin and Germany here.

New on theleftberlin this week, Nancy duPlessis discusses where next?, after the Experts’ Commission rules the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen referendum to be legal and feasible.

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Keep on fighting

The Left Berlin Editorial Board