Letter from the Editors: 10th August 2023

Queer Berlin, Support Café Karanfil, and Adam Broomberg for Berlin’s Antisemitism Commissioner


Hello everyone,

This weekend the Kiek Beyond festival will be taking place. Kiek Beyond is the closest camping festival to central Berlin. Held at Kiekebusch See, around 30 minutes from Berlin-Ostkreuz. The area features lush open spaces and woodland that encircles a lake. The best way to get to Kiek Beyond Festival is by train to BER Airport (Terminals 1-2 station), and from there taking the festival shuttle bus or going by bike. The Die Linke Berlin Internationals will be organising a Küfa at the festival on Saturday. Come along and say “Hi”.

On Saturday from 7pm, there will be a Soli Fest for Café Karanfil – an anti-imperialist café in Berlin Neukölln. The aim is to ensure that Karanfil will remain the free space for artists and activists that it’s always been. Concerts, DJs and cold drinks will be waiting for you there. The festival will be at filmArche e.V., Lahnstraße 25, Neukölln. Saving Café Karanfil is also our Campaign of the Week.

On Sunday, the BUND youth group is organising the Climate & Boat demo, an action in support of green energy for all. Is climate justice important to you, and do you want to be loud for social energy provision? Are you interested in joining BUND Jugend with rafts, stand-ups, and canoes along the Spree? Then come to the river near the East Side Gallery (Warschauer Straße) at midday for the Climate & Boat demo, and protest for a social and climate-conscious energy transition in Berlin.

Also on Sunday afternoon, it’s the latest political walking tour organised by the LINKE Berlin Internationals. This month takes us through Queer Berlin. Berlin has been known as a queer capital for more than a century. In the 1920s, in the 1970s, and today, nowhere has been gayer than the Rainbow Neighborhood around Nollendorfplatz. In this Kiez, queer people established cafés, nightclubs, bookstores, and youth centers — and occupied buildings as well. We will visit the homes of Audre Lorde, Christopher Isherwood, Rosa von Praunheim, August Bebel, the Homosexual Action West Berlin, and more. The tour starts at 2pm at Nollendorfplatz, Schöneberg (in the middle of the square on the south side of the elevated station). Please register here to receive extra information on Saturday.

On Monday, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung is organising a film screening and discussion Black faces in white? space. The film explores the dynamics and complexities of being Black in Germany and confronts the struggles of Black conflicts here. The question of colourism, sexuality, identity, pride, nationality, and colonialism assume a central part of the (narrative) plot. The film is in German and English, with English subtitles for the German parts. Entry is free, and the film will be shown at 9pm in the open air hofkino, in the Neues Deutschland building, Friedrichshain.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, Potsdam is suffering the same housing crisis as Berlin, EU migration to Berlin is down to a third of its 2017 level, and Berlin’s Transport Senator is accused of plagiarising her doctoral thesis.

In News from Germany, a majority of Germans want the government to act against climate change, Germany’s industrial output is down again, and Germany’s parents suffer a massive shortage of Kita places.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

This week on theleftberlin.com, F. Cornella explains what happened in the Spanish elections from a Catalonian perspective, Egyptian journalist Omnia Ismael reports on German collaboration with the dictator Sisi, Mediterranea Berlin introduce their work saving people drowning on Europe’s borders, and Hari Kumar remembers the dead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In the Video of the Week, South African Jewish photographer Adam Broomberg puts his case for why he should be Berlin’s Commissioner for Antisemitism. We’ll be following Adam’s campaign more in coming weeks on theleftberlin.com.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And please do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board