Initiative Wahlrecht für Alle

Voting Rights for Everyone


The “Initiative Wahlrecht für Alle” (Initiative voting rights for everyone) invite you to a meeting on Friday, 9th September 2022, 7pm in Oranienstraße 159 (kub/Allmende, shop on the ground floor), Here, we would like to discuss with you how we can let people know about the demand VOTING RIGHTS FOR ALL around the International Day of Democracy (Internationaler Tag der Demokratie, ITD, 15th September).

In addition, we would also like to chat with you about how we can middle- and long-term make public this subject which time and again falls into obscurity.

Because of the short time and other planned meetings on ITD, we have discussed our own idea.

With an A2 poster and leaflets, we want to make people aware of the undemocratic situation in Germany, to emphasize the demand for VOTING RIGHTS FOR EVERYONE.

The posters are to be hung up throughout the city, and will be naturally designed by a graphic designer.

Who are we?

  •  At the end of 2021, representatives of the groups ABA (Aktionsbündnis Antira – activity alliance anti-racism), Right2TheCity (Deutsche Wohnen & Co working group for non-Germnas) and Nicht Ohne Uns 14% came together to set up our    initiative         
  • In February 2022, we issued a statement to the Berliner Senat, which was signed by around 50 organisations         
  • In mid-April we organised a rally at Kotbusser Tor

After the Summer break, we want to be active again, and extend our group to include you.

How can you get involved?

  • Best case, regularly come to our meetings and join the work and help make decisions         
  • If you can’t regularly attend our meetings, you can practically support our work, for example by putting up posters on the evening of 14th September, so that people wake up to the posters on 15th September 🙂

More Information