Fridays for Future Berlin

25th March Global Climate Strike #PeopleNotProfit


For the tenth time, Fridays for Future Berlin is calling for a global strike. This is while war has broken out in Ukraine. Once more, the situation in Europe shows us that wars and conflicts are financed and fuelled by the use of coal, oil and gas.

As well as an end to the war and taking in refugees, we need an immediate exit from fossil energy sources, along with am exit from energy dependency! Instead of oil and coal from Russia, we must not import the fossil equivalent from other regions of the world. When it comes to human rights abuse, land grabbing and environmental destruction, it doesn’t matter whether gas comes from a Russian pipeline or is fracked in other countries and transported over the ocean. Anywhere where coal, oil and gas is demanded, it ruins livelihoods and doesn’t just plunge our climate into crises!

The new IPPC report once more clearly shows that we need an end to all fossil energies! Our earth is at its limit, the residual budget of CO2 for a maximal global warming of 1.5°C in 7 years has been used up, and the political ambition does not adequately meet what is required. If we carry on like this, the earth will have heated up by 3°-5°C by 2100 and that has terrible consequences. Social crises will be accompanied by further natural catastrophes and regions of the earth will be uninhabitable.

If we want peace and climate justice, our system must therefore change: away from the illusions of permanent green growth and towards a democratic production method which is orientated on planetary limits and human needs. To do this, we must start with ourselves.

We need systemic solutions and this means not just saving energy on our own heating but at Rheinmetall, Heckler&Koch and Vokswagen. We must make socially burdensome, exploitative corporations accountable, as they must respect democracy, justice and planetary limits. The needs of individual profit-orientated corporations must no longer take priority, but the welfare of all people of the world!

For this reason, climate justice activists throughout the world are calling for a global climate strike on 25th March. In Berlin, we are marching from Invalidenpark to the Brandenburger Tor with the demand #PeoplenotProfit! Come along!