18:00 - 20:00
On Sunday, 26th September there will be local and national elections in Germany. This is a chance to vote for an alternative to 16 years of Angela Merkel’s neoliberal politics. At least as important, every vote counts to reduce the influence of the increasingly Nazified AfD. On the same day, Berliners will be voting for the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen referendum for fair rents.
Yet 1 million Berliners have few or no voting rights. If you are an EU citizen, you may vote in a small number of elections (but not the referendum). If you’re from other countries, you can’t vote at all. Similarly, 16 and 17 year olds who must pay taxes and rents are excluded from the voting process.
On Friday, 17th September, the LINKE Berlin Internationals will be organising a meeting with three election candidates who will explain who can vote, who they can vote for, and how we can fight for voting rights for everyone. And, most importantly, what does Die LINKE have to offer?
- Ferat Kocak: anti-racist activist who will be standing in Britz-Bückow in Neukölln, where many racist attacks have taken place.
- Antigoni Ntonti: born in Greece, active in Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, Antigoni will be standing in Neukölln
- Juliana Wekel: standing in Steglitz Zehlendorf. Juliana also works in the LINKE election office and can answer questions about your voting rights.