Member Directory

Allyn Heath has been active in the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen (DWE) campaign in Wedding and Reinickendorf since 2021. He’s also co-editor of DWe’s forthcoming tabloid magazine Bravo! Enteignen.

Lucy Cox is a Special Needs Teacher in London, and an activist in the NEU teachers' union

Ciarán Dold is a comedian, podcaster and researcher from Ireland living in Berlin. He is the cohost of the English language podcast about Europe called Corner Späti

Richard Brann is a student of History at the University of Edinburgh and editor/founder of the small creative magazine Speak-easy. After gravitating towards the broader left wing during the 2019 climate protests, his time living in Berlin in 2021 cemented his interest in learning more about the works of Marx and activism through political journalism.

Vitek Prokop is a National Board Member of the left-wing Czech party Levice and a political science student at ZCU

Aline Beatriz Coutinho is an associate researcher at Lab on Social Differences and Inequality and a Master's student in History, both at the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), where she researches Reproductive Rights, political disputes over abortion's issues, and gender.

Andrés Del Río is an Adjunct Professor of Political Science for the Bachelor's Degree in Public Policy at the Fluminense Federal University IEAR-UFF; Coordinator of the Center for Studies on State, Institutions and Public Policy, NEEIPP at UFF; Coordinator of the research group: Judicial Power in Latin America of the Latin American Association of Political Science (ALACIP). He is a collaborating member of the Commission on Human Rights and Legal Assistance of the Brazilian Bar Association - CDHAJ/OAB-RJ

André Rodrigues is a political scientist, professor of political thought at the Fluminense Federal University and coordinator of the Laboratory for Studies on Politics and Violence - LEPOV

Julius Jamal founded the Freiheitsliebe website in 2009 with the aim of providing a place where there are no barriers between people. A place at which people can communicate irrespective of religion, backhround, sexial orientation and gender,