Letter from the Editors: 17th August 2023

Support Lieferando workers, against anti-Queer violence, and political theatre week-end


Hello everyone,

This afternoon (Thursday) at 3pm, Lieferando workers from all over Germany will be meeting in Berlin to demonstrate for a collective wage agreement. The demonstration is a response to Lieferando’s “Nothing but silence” strategy of not communicating with it’s workforce or their trade unions. The company cannot get out of the affair that easily, so come and be loud for a collective agreement! The demonstration will be outside Lieferando’s HQ at Cuvrystraße 50-54 / Schlesische Straße 34, and is part of the NGG union’s Liefern am Limit campaign, which is our Campaign of the Week.

This evening at 6pm there’s a demonstration We Fight Back! against anti-Queer violence. In early July 2023, two women were insulted in a queer and homophobic way and brutally attacked. Both had to go to the hospital, the assaulters were able to flee. Many people witnessed the attack, no person intervened. The demonstration is at Spreewaldplatz, the scene of the crime in Reichenbergerstraße together with all those who want to show solidarity and fight against queer-hostile violence to show that we are tired of being afraid for ourselves, our friends, comrades and family.

Today is also the start of the Forum Theater week-end in the Ufer Studios in Wedding. With plays “No means NO” (Thursday), a production by KURINGA (Friday and Saturday), and “Every day the same game” (Saturday), you can expect stimulating conversations, to explore pressing societal issues, and connect with like-minded individuals who believe in the transformative power of theater. Together, let’s ignite the spark of dialogue and inspire positive transformation in our world.

On Monday at 7pm, Extinction Rebellion Wedding have their monthly Anticolonial meeting in English. Let’s come together to connect and organize, to build a better community around us and stand up for climate and social justice. The plan is to meet once a month officially and in between meetings support events and actions happening that address the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, colonialism and more. It’s in the Sprengel Haus, Sprenelstraße 15.

On Wednesday at 7pm there’s a Solidarity Evening for the Hope Project on Lesbos. In June 2023, EU countries united to tighten the European asylum procedure. At the same time, thousands of displaced people were enduring inacceptable conditions on the Greek island of Lesbos. We are disappointed and speechless at the planned reform and therefore invite you to a solidarity evening for the Hope Project Greece, which has been fighting for refugees on Lesbos since 2005. The event is taking place in Ida Nowhere, Donaustraße 79.

There are many more activities this week in Berlin, which are listed on our Events page. You can also see a shorter, but more detailed list of events which we are directly involved in here.

In News from Berlin, security guards evict people from apartments for homeless people, arson attack on memorial book to Holocaust victims, memorial to gay and lesbian victims of the Nazis is vandalised, Wolt couriers take the company to court demanding better working conditions, and 200 pharmaceutical workers go on strike for better wages.

In News from Germany, the Comité International de Dachau expresses its concern about the rise of the AfD, and Nazis disrupt CSD in Sachsen-Anhalt.

Read all about it in this week’s News from Berlin and Germany.

In the Video of the Week, Egyptian journalist and Berlin resident Hossam el-Hamalawy talks to David Hearst about Egyptian’s 2011 revolution and its aftermath. You can read a long interview we recently did with Hossam here.

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If you would like to contribute any articles or have any questions or criticisms about our work, please contact us at team@theleftberlin.com. And please do encourage your friends to subscribe to this Newsletter.

Keep on fighting,

The Left Berlin Editorial Board