Aufstehen gegen Rassismus

Stand up Against Racism. Stop the AfD


Aufstehen gegen Rassismus (AgR) Berlin participates in central anti-racist campaigns. The next one will be a decentralized action to commemorate victims of the racist murders in Hanau on 18 August followed by a national demonstration on 22 August in Hanau.

In particular, we focus on the role of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) as the arsonist and parliamentary arm of right-wing terror. The AfD is well networked with Islamophobes, Nazi thugs and hooligans. Their agitation against Muslims and fugitives, their assertion of an alleged “Great Exchange” encouraged the assassins of Hanau, andthe murderer of Walter Lübcke to their cruel deeds.

For the super election year 2021 we are preparing for militant anti-racist and anti-fascist election campaigns. The Bundestag will be newly elected, following the 2017 elections when the AfD – a fascist party in the making – became the third strongest faction and the official opposition in the Bundestag.

In additional to the national election, elections to the House of Representatives and the district parliaments (BVV) will take place in Berlin. The AfD will also stand, and will try to use the election campaigns as a platform for their inhumane theses and to pull themselves out of their current slump. We want to prevent this from happening.

For this reason, we invite all interested parties to participate in our campaign “If you vote for AfD, you’re voting for Nazis!” No event, no information stand, no action of the AfD should remain unchallenged! Because fascism and racism are not opinions, but crimes. Our alternative is solidarity!