Sumer Camp 2022 – Sudan: voices of marginalised women

Over 50 years of dictatorships and war, following many decades of colonialism, established a system of discrimination in Sudanese society that led to multi-marginalisation of different groups of people. The multitudinous forms of discrimination and marginalisation do not only run along the regional divides between the centre and the margins, and between so-called “African” and “Arab” ethnic groups. Many women in particular face multiple intersecting forms of marginalisation and discrimination, most often along the lines of gender, ethnicity and racist categories, class, as well as war related dynamics.

The Revolution of 2019 created potentials for lasting change. This change was brought about by the Sudanese people, including people from the margins. Despite the achievements of the Revolution and the great potentials of the current transition phase, there is a risk that the Transition Government and the resulting structures will to some extent reproduce the existing system of marginalisation and discrimination. This has to be prevented. There must be sustainable change in Sudan, benefiting those who are most disadvantaged.

Sunday, 26th June, 2pm – 3pm

with Mai Shatta (author of the report “Voices of the Margins”)