Member Directory

Luciana Vidal is a feminist activist, lawyer, and a member of Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales and Izquierda Unida Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Lian Buan covers justice and corruption for Rappler. She is interested in decisions, pleadings, audits, contracts, and other documents that establish a trail. If you have leads, email or tweet @lianbuan.

Ashish Kothari is a founder-member of Kalpavriksh (an Indian environmental action group), and helps coordinate Vikalp Sangam, Global Tapestry of Alternatives, and is co-editor of Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary.

Carla Aßmann is active in the LINKE Neukälln and is a member of the BVV (local council) fraction. She is active in the campaignn against the demolition and renovation of Karstadt Hermannplatz and dreams of expropriation and socialisation.

Sue Talbot is a revolutionary socialist and social worker. She is a member of the Social Work Action Network and is aligned with the International Socialist tradition in Britain. She has been active in women's, anti-racist, trades union and community campaigns since the 1970s and has no intention of stopping until we win

Julia Wiedemann works in the International Politics department in the national headquarters of Die LINKE.