Live and Love without Paternalism. Take to the streets for sexual self-determination for all

Day of Action for Sexual Self-Determination 16th September 2023


(see below for the Call to Action in Portuguese, Spanish and German)

On 16th September 2023, Christian fundamentalist and right-wing nationalist opponents of the right to sexual determination are once more staging a so-called “March for Life” in Berlin-Mitte. They are demanding a total ban of abortions and are agitating against non-heterosexual couples or families, and the diversity of sexual identities.

The Anti-Choice movement is represented in parliament by the Christian-conservative CDU/CSU and the AfD (which is developing into a Nazi party). They are part of an international network and in Germany, Europe and currently particularly in the USA, they are putting pressure on governments to pass reactionary repressive laws.

These forces want to deny us all the right to self-determination over our own bodies and lives. We cannot surrender the streets of Berlin to them! Our day of action for sexual self-determination will be taking place under the motto “Live and Love without Paternalism.”

This day is also the kickoff for a national week of action for sexual self-determination, which will end with various meetings and actions throughout the country on 28th September, the international day for the decriminalisation of abortion.

12 noon Brandenburger Tor – 13.50 Bebelplatz

Programme for the 16th September

12 noon, Brandenburger Tor / Pariser Platz Kick-off rally with:

  • Music from HEARTCHOR.Love. Part 1 begins at 11.50.

  • Welcome and speech about the Day of Action (Annika, Bündnis für Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung)

  • Speech from Martina Regulin, head of the GEW teachers’ union in Berlin-Mitte

  • Speech from Stephanie Schlitt (national leadership of Profamilia) on the current demands to remove abortion regulations from the criminal code

  • Feminist hymn by Queen Bees & the Beat – “Powerful “omen”

  • Isabel Sophie (from Dyke* March Ruhr / FLUID Bochum – Centre for queer culture and secular education) on the human rights backlash in the USA regarding abortions and the lives of queer people.

Demonstration from Brandenburger Tor to Bebelplatz

13.50 Bebelplatz Final rally

  • Demands for a self-identification law (Trans, Inter, Queer e.V.)

  • Kurdan (intercultural women’s group ROSA) on self-determination over your own body

  • Arian Darat (Iranian community) on the revolution of self-determination. The role of the queer community in Iran, their visibility, and how the woman*-Life-Feedom movement can make new alliances.

  • Phillipp Möller from the central council of non-believers on the influence of Christian fundamentalist organisations on politics)

  • Astrid Lück (policy officer for families, women and girls for the Paritätischen Wohlfahrtsverband (parity welfare organisation) on cuts in the national budget in 2024/2025 for the financing of pregnancy counselling.

  • Songs from the Ukrainian-Russian A Capella group perepjolotschki

  • Acknowledgements and good-byes by Ines from the BfSS

15.00 End.

This call for action was issued by the Bündnis für Sexuelle Selbstbestimmung. Translation: Phil Butland. Reproduced with permission.

Viver e Amar sem Paternalismo. Tomar as ruas pela autodeterminação sexual para todas as pessoas

No dia 16 de Setembro de 2023, fundamentalistas cristãos e nacionalistas de direita que se opõem ao direito à determinação sexual estão mais uma vez a organizar uma chamada “Marcha pela Vida” em Berlin-Mitte. Exigem a proibição total do aborto e fazem agitação contra casais e famílias não heterossexuais, e contra a diversidade de identidades sexuais.

O movimento Anti-Escolha é representado no parlamento pelo partido cristão-conservador CDU/CSU e pelo AfD (que se está a transformar num partido nazi). Fazem parte de uma rede internacional e na Alemanha, na Europa e atualmente, particularmente nos EUA, estão a pressionar os governos para que aprovem leis reacionárias repressivas.

Estas forças querem negar-nos a todos/as/es o direito à autodeterminação sobre os nossos próprios corpos e vidas. Nós não podemos entregar-lhes as ruas de Berlim! O nosso dia de ação pela autodeterminação sexual acontecerá sob o tema “Viver e Amar sem Paternalismo”.

Este dia é também o pontapé de saída para uma semana nacional de ação pela autodeterminação sexual, que terminará com vários encontros e ações em todo o país no dia 28 de Setembro, o dia internacional pela descriminalização do aborto.

Día de acción por la autodeterminación sexual 16.09.2023. VIDA Y AMOR SIN MORDAZA

Salimos a la calle por la autodeterminación sexual para todes.

El 16 de septiembre de 2023, fundamentalistas cristianes y nacionalistas de derechas contraries al derecho a la autodeterminación sexual volverán a organizar una denominada Marcha por la Vida en Berlín-Mitte. Exigen la prohibición total del aborto e instigan contra las parejas o familias no heterosexuales y la diversidad de identidades de género.

En los parlamentos, el movimiento antiabortista está representado por la conservadora y cristiana CDU/CSU y la AfD, que se está convirtiendo en un partido nazi. Están interconectados internacionalmente y ejercen presión sobre los gobiernos para que aprueben leyes regresivas y represivas en Alemania, Europa y actualmente sobre todo en Estados Unidos.

Estas fuerzas quieren negarnos a todes el derecho a la autodeterminación sobre nuestros cuerpos y nuestras vidas. No debemos dejarles las calles de Berlín. Nuestro día de acción por la autodeterminación sexual se celebra bajo el lema “Vivir y amar sin mordaza”. Este día es también el comienzo de una semana nacional de acción por la autodeterminación sexual, que concluirá el 28 de septiembre, Día Internacional por la Despenalización del Aborto, con diversos actos y acciones en todo el país.

Aktionstag für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung 16.09.2023 LEBEN UND LIEBEN OHNE BEVORMUNDUNG

Wir gehen auf die Straße für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung für alle

Am 16. September 2023 veranstalten christlich-fundamentalistische und rechtsnationale Gegner*innen des Rechts auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung in Berlin-Mitte wieder einen sogenannten Marsch für das Leben. Sie fordern das totale Verbot des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs und hetzen gegen nicht heterosexuelle Paare oder Familien und die Vielfalt geschlechtlicher Identitäten.

In den Parlamenten ist die Anti-Choice-Bewegung vertreten durch die christlich-konservative CDU/CSU und die sich zur Nazipartei entwickelnde AfD. Sie sind international vernetzt und üben in Deutschland, Europa und gegenwärtig besonders stark in den USA Druck auf Regierungen aus, rückschrittliche, repressive Gesetze zu erlassen.

Diese Kräfte wollen uns allen das Recht auf Selbstbestimmung über unseren Körper und unser Leben absprechen. Wir dürfen ihnen nicht die Straßen Berlins überlassen! Unter dem Motto „Leben und lieben ohne Bevormundung“ findet unser Aktionstag für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung statt. Dieser Tag ist auch Auftakt für eine bundesweite Aktionswoche für sexuelle Selbstbestimmung, die am 28. September zum Internationalen Tag für die Entkriminalisierung des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs mit verschiedenen Veranstaltungen und Aktionen bundesweit endet.