How you can help people in Sudan

Useful texts, petition, and where you can send donations


For people asking how they can help the Sudan protests, we are publishing this text from Sara Abbas. Note that SudanUprising is organising a demonstration in Berlin on Friday, 28th April, starting at the Auswärtiges Amt, Werderscher Markt 1. Please go to show your support,

Greetings all,
Sudanese civic organizations, resistance committees and the Sudanese diaspora have put out an urgent call for global solidarity and support to end the bloody war that broke out in Sudan and to open roads and borders for those fleeing, as well as for humanitarian relief. Below are ways to help. Please use and share.
Article on what’s happening in Sudan:
Ways you can help:
Use hashtags: #SudanUpdates
  • #KeepEyesOnSudan
  • #NoToWar
  • #لازم_تقيف
  • #لا_للحرب
Check out for how to help. It’s being updated regularly.
Organizations in Europe can add their name to the Sudanese diaspora in Europe’s petition (both Sudanese and non-Sudanese orgs welcome):
Individuals can sign here:
Those who want to connect to the unions in Sudan, contact the MENA Solidarity Network. They are connecting with the unions. We need statements by the unions globally rejecting the war and other statements of solidarity.
Those wanting to donate to the relief efforts (URGENT), the best route is via Sudan Doctors-UK, they have extensions to the Sudan Doctors Union inside. Use this paypal.
or via the following bank details:
The Union
Acc. number: 16326868
Sort code: 309626
Reference: Medical Aid
International donations:
IBAN: GB15LOYD30962616326868
In solidarity