Dzień po

The day after collective


The Polish government consistently tries to limit reproductive rights by making access to abortion and contraceptives difficult. In response, grassroots feminist initiatives provide basic medical services to fight this christian fundamentalist push.

Currently, we need to replenish our stocks of the day-after contraception pills, so we invite you to an info event about the “Day After” (“Dzień Po”) collective.

Soli event for grassroots feminist organizing for reproductive rights in poland – Discussion, polish snacks and more.

You can support us directly by bringing “the day after” pills!

07.I.2023 Solicafé Schlürf (Regenbogenfabrik)

17:00 Food, Glühwein, polish Schnaps, cocktails
18:00 Discussion on grassroot feminist organising for reproductive rights in Poland.
20:00 DJane(s)

There will be a short presentation and discussion about grassroots pro-choice organizing in poland and the idea of “demedicalisation” basic medical aid. There will be polish food, soli cocktails, polish schnaps and music to dance to.

We strongly encourage you to donate contraceptive pills based on ullipristal acetate (ellaOne or generics), or donate money.

Please don’t bring pills based on levonorgestrel – we rarely need them and anyway levo is a scam (we can elaborate on that during discussion!).

Get some EllaOne pills and come over!

In 2017, the polish right-wing government established a law to make the day-after contraceptive pill a prescription drug. This happened after a short three-year period during which one could access emergency contraception over the counter – according to EU recommendations, and shortly before a near total ban on abortion.

In response, we started the “Dzień Po” („the day after”) collective to provide direct access to emergency contraception that for many people in poland – especially young and those living in smaller cities – has become unavailable due to conservative and misogynistic politics.

As a collective we are also a part of pro-abortion movement and we wish to change the societal approach to what is commonly accepted and what is stigmatized: what is legal, regulated or criminalized.

We work in the paradigm of demedicalization and intersectionality. The current political situation in poland shows how crucial a grassroots solidarity movement is for providing access to basic medical services.

Come and hear more about our actions and participate in a discussion on approaches to demedicalized help. You can also bring gifts – emergency contraception with ullipristal acetate or generous donations that we’ll exchange for pills. For more information contact us at

Discussion will he held in English. German translation possible.

Note: we try to base our work on contreaception based on ulipristal acetate (ellaOne or others), because other contraceptive pills (PiDaNa, Levonoraristo, Unofem, Hexal, Postinor, Levonorgestrel Stada, Stada) need to be taken much quicker, and it is much more difficult to get them delivered on time.