
Stop the Coalition of Regression


BerlinZusammen (Berlin together) demands: no coalition led by the CDU in Berlin, no right wing conservative regression for our City!

BerlinZusammen is a growing alliance of progressive actors from civil society who engage themselves in different areas for a liveable future for our city. Many have been active for years. Given the real prospect that Berlin could be once more governed by the CDU, we have come together to stop a coalition of regression. Berlin needs a social and participative politics, free of discrimination and for climate justice.

For this reason, BerlinZusammen is organising a Demo this Saturday with the following demand: no CDU-led coalition in Berlin, no right wing conservative regression for our City! For an open, diverse and social city for everyone!

During the preparation of the demo, several initiatives have also shown a broad Berlin-wide network or alliance, We also want to work together in the future and unite our forces.

We have numerous issues which connect us, from racist security politics, unaffordable rents, speculation in housing, the trend to privatisation of the health service, right up to insufficiently affordable or sustainable mobility options.

City politics needs a massive change of direction in many areas, where the CDU will not be helpful. For this reason, we demand as a group from initiatives and organisations from civil society a clear NO from members of the Berlin SPD to a Black-Red coalition. We are taking to the streets for a different city politics, centred on the joint vision of an open, social and sustainable city for everyone who lives in it.

Join us:

Support the demo call Stop the coalition of regression.

Join us on the Demo on Saturday 18th March, from 12 o’clock at Hermannplatz

Mobilise the people you know. Let us together send out a clear singnal for an open Berlin.

All initiatives, groups and individuals are invited to join us. Organisations which sign the call to action can say that they are interested in taking part in the formation process after the demo of a broad network extra-parliamentary alliance. These possibilities and the ways in which we achieve them can be explicitly discussed together and from the basis upwards.