Bildungzentrum Lohana Berkins

Education Centre for migrants in Berlin


The Centre for Popular Education – Bildungzentrum Lohana Berkins provides education for migrants by migrants. During this first year, the Centre has helped many migrants learn German and understand their labour rights.

We are an education centre by and for migrants in Berlin, following the perspectives of EducaciĆ³n Popular. EducaciĆ³n Popular is a political-pedagogic process in which knowledge is gained collectively. It uses non-academic methods, which are combined with the experience of the participants. It is an approach which has been used by social movements in Latin America since the 1960s.

We create space for the development of tools with which we can actively engage in the political life of this society. We want to improve our living conditions as migrants, and introduce the perspectives of organisation and fight from our areas.

We have participated in important debates on the right to the city and the struggle for climate justice.

But we need your help to grow, to become more professional and to reach more and more migrants who want to participate in our courses.

Follow this link to help us create more paths of education, solidarity and community for migrants in Germany.

Bildungzentrum Lohana Berkins offers the following courses:

Political discussion courses in German for migrants

Conversation and political discussion course for migrants who want to improve their language skills and develop instruments for political participation. This course is aimed at people whose German level is B1 or more. You can register here.

Instruments for social-ecological transformation

Workshops for people who are active in social movements and political organisations in Germany, who want to engage with the pedagogy of the oppressed and Latin American perspectives in fights for feminism, workers’ rights, housing and climate justice. You can register here.

Lohana Berkins is one of the key figures of the Queer movement in Argentina and Latin America. We build on her figure as a pedagogue and fighter against ruling body norms.